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Me and Travis blankly stared at literally, all my friends there. "Well..." "SAL?!??" Me and Travis basically had a heart attack. "Jesus?" Travis smacked me on the top of the head. Ash walked over to us and stared at Travis. "Oh.. I see!!!" Ashley grinned at us. "I'll just go surrender to my father now-" I grabbed Travis by the shirt and he grumbled. Ash started walking towards Todd and Neil so I followed. "Wait!!" Travis stopped walking so I did too. "Yeah?" He glared at me. "I don't want to see fucking Larry." I sighed and stared at Travis. "You'll be fine. I'm here." Travis rolled his eyes and I started walking again. Travis hesitantly followed. We sat down next to Neil and Todd while Ash went back into the water. Larry, Y/N, Maple, Ash, and Chug were in the lake. I learned over and looked at Todd and Neil. "Hey." They turned and smiled at me. "Hi Sal." Todd waved and Neil did too. Then they saw Travis. "Oh.. Hi Travis." Neil smiled at him too. Travis awkwardly smiled and waved. Then Larry got out of the lake..

"What the fuck is HE doing HERE?!?!" Larry got in Travis's face and Travis stood up. "I'M obviously not doing SHIT Larry!!!!" Travis glared at Larry and Larry glared back. Y/N and Ash quickly got out of the lake. I stood up too. "Larry qui-" "Sal I'm sorry man, but shut the hell up! This prick shouldn't be here!!!!" He shoved Travis and Travis punched him out of instinct. Y/N and Ash were basically running towards us. Neil and Todd just stood up in disbelief. Then Larry punched Travis back. "LARRY FUCKING STOP!!!" I shoved Larry and grabbed Travis by the wrist. "Why the fuck are you standing up for that freak!?!" Larry looked pissed. Travis yanked his arm away. "Fuck off Fisher." His eyes were filled with tears. "Yeah that's right Phelps, walk away." Larry grinned at Travis then Travis stopped. "I hope you fucking rot in hell Johnson." Travis walked away and I glared at Larry. "I fucking hate you, you know that?!?!" Larry then stared at me in disbelief. "Sal what do you mean you hate Larry?" Ash and Y/N stared at me and Larry. "I said what I said. Travis was here, with ME. He wasn't bothering Todd or Neil, or Ash. Fuck you Larry." I flipped Larry off then walked away. Travis probably went back to his house...

I plopped down on my bed then I realized Travis had to of stopped by because his stuff was gone. I sighed and took my prosthetic off. I covered my eyes with my hands and grumbled. There was then a knock on my door. "Sal? It's Y/N." "Come in." Y/N then walked in and sat down next to me. "I'm sorry Sal." I moved my hands and looked up at Y/N. "It's not your fault. It's Larry's." Y/N nodded. "He's sorry too. I think he just was shocked because you've never reacted like that.." I grumbled. "Yeah? Well maybe he shouldn't treat Travis like shit." I stood up. I walked out of my room and Y/N followed.


"Shit, Sal I told you you shouldn't drink!!" Sal was basically turning into his father. This is like his 10th beer bottle. "Sal if you don't stop I'll call everyone over here." Sal glared at me. "Fuck off."

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