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"ANSWER ME WHEN I TALK TO YOU!!" Father slammed me against the wall and mother continued to do the dishes, horrified. My head was spinning. I couldn't see straight. "Where. The. Hell. Were. You!?!" Father stared into my eyes. I couldn't stop shaking. I fell to the floor and tried to focus my eyes. "Kenneth.. Please.. He can't see straight!..." I started crying. Like she knew. She doesn't go through the shit I do. I miss Sal.. My father scoffed and kicked me one last time. He then walked in his bedroom. Mother quickly walked to me and I stood up and shoved her away. I grabbed the railing for the stairs and walked upstairs.

I stared at the school building when I finally got to it. My whole body hurt. I then saw Sal. I picked up a rock and threw it at him.


I was about to enter the building when something was thrown at me. I turned to where it came from and there was Travis. He looked like he was dying. I quickly ran over to him and helped him walk. "Who the hell did this to you?!" He chuckled and I realized he was going to start crying. "Hold on Travis, let's go somewhere else."


Sal gently put me down once we got to one of the empty classrooms our school randomly has. He sat down next to me and stared at me. "Travis, what happened?.." I leaned back against the wall and lifted up my shirt. "Holy shit.. Your mom just let's that happen?!?! In front of her?!" I slowly nod and pull my shirt back down. Tears fell down my face and I stared into Sal's eyes. "I want to be with you. I don't feel safe.. Anywhere." Sal gently pulled me into a hug. "I'll help you Travis. I promise I will."

It was finally lunch break and me and Sal agreed to meet back up in the empty classroom. I've made sure I've gotten to every class on time. Sadly. I walked in the room and Sal wasn't here yet. So I sat down at one of of the desks and waited.


Sal said he couldn't come to lunch today so I obviously followed him. He walked outside and once I decided to follow him out he was... Gone?!


I chuckled behind the wall when Y/N stepped outside looking for me. Y/N wasn't exactly good at sneaking around. I knew Y/P was following me the whole time. I started running to the other entrance before Y/N went back inside.

I quickly walked in the classroom and shut it behind me. "Hey" Travis stood up and walked over to me. He hugged me and I chuckled. "We should hang out this weekend." I smiled at how tired he sounded. "Yeah, sure."

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