Twenty Two

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I've been having that same nightmare.. So.. Many.. Times. But I always forget most of it when I wake up. All I know is that Larry ends up leaving me. Me and Travis ended up moving in with Todd and Neil this summer. Larry and Y/N plan to move in, in a few days too. Yes, they're finally dating now. They're pretty happy. Or so we all thought.

It was around midnight and I just got home from going out to eat with Ash since she came back from the city. She wants to move back here. She plans to live with Phillip. They're such a happy couple. I was walking into my room when my phone buzzed. Travis was already asleep. I pulled my phone out and it was Larry?

L:Sal, I can't take it anymore.
S:Larry? What do you mean?

This feels familiar..

L:Don't blame yourself for what I'm about to do Sal. It's not anyone's fault but my own.
S:Larry what the fuck do you mean?

I quickly called him. "Larry.. Pick up the phone." It continued to ring. "God damnit Larry.. Pick up!" I accidentally woke Travis. "Oh my god.. Larry.." I dropped my phone and ran out of the room. Neil and Todd were on the couch. "Sal?" Travis walked out behind me. They all watched me bolt out of the house. It was raining outside. Hard. I ran across the street, past the church, past the cemetery. I quickly ran into the apartments.

"LARRY?!?" Nothing. I ran into his room quickly. "LARRY WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!!!" Nothing. I ran out of his room and towards the treehouse. I froze instantly. My dreams.. Were trying to warn me. I fell to the ground. His lifeless body.. Dangled from the tree. "Oh my god.. LARRY!!!!!" I screamed so loud I probably woke everyone in Addison apartments. I stared in horror at his body. His lifeless body was swinging in the wind. Tears poured down my face as the rain drenched my body. I gripped the grass tightly. I let my face hit the ground and I covered my head with my hands. Why.. "WHY LARRY!!!?!?!" I looked at him again then I noticed something on the tree. I struggled to stand up and walk to him. I grabbed the note.

   I'm sorry. But please, don't blame yourself. I guess being depressed got to me. I'm truly sorry Sal. It's no ones fault. I just.. When I found out about my dad.. God.. Sal I'm so sorry. I love you Sal. I'm sorry about leaving you like this. Make Y/N happy. Please don't cry over me.

"GOD DAMNIT!!" I slammed my fists on the tree and fell down again. I heard sirens. I was crying like when mother died. I tightly grabbed my prosthetic and threw it off my face. Then the police showed up. They walked over to me. "Someone heard someone screaming. What.. Happened?" I stared at the officer and continued to cry. I grabbed the note on the tree and walked back in Larry's apartment. I stared at the painting I made for him years ago. Lisa showed up in the doorway with everyone else. My prosthetic was in my other hand. I fell to the floor again. "Sal? What happened? Why are the cops here?" Y/N walked up to me worried. "Sal.. Where's Larry?.." I stared up at them and started crying hard. I threw the note at Y/N. God.. Larry.. Y/N read the note out loud but I tuned it out. I clenched my face as tears continued to poor down my face. Y/N dropped the note. "My.. My son!.." Lisa quickly ran out of the apartment and outside. I hit the floor with my fists. Travis quickly walked over to me and hugged me. "Why Travis.. Why would he leave me?!?" Travis continued to hold me tight. "He.. He would always help me.. Fuck..." I hugged Travis tight and sobbed into his chest. "This.. This isn't fair.."

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