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Father roughly dragged me into the house but made sure no one was out walking by before he did. "Hunny please!.. Let Travis go!" My mother quickly walked in behind us and shut the front door. My father basically threw me against the wall. "Kenneth!!!" Mother quickly walked over to me and I started coughing. Tears falled down my face while I clenched my fists firmly. I struggled to stand up and face him. Mother held my hand but she was shaking. Father glared at us when there was a knock at the door.


Since Travis missed all his classes, and didn't left, all the teachers gave me his homework to give to him. So here I am, standing at the sidewalk that leads to Travis's house. I walked awkwardly down the sidewalk towards his house. I stared at the door for a second then knocked. I heard a lot of shuffling behind the door then someone opened it. "Hello?" She was a beautiful woman. I'm guessing Mrs. Phelps. She had beautiful black skin, hazel eyes, black curly hair, etc. She smiled sweetly and I smiled even though she couldn't see it. "Hi I'm-" "FISHER?!?!" Travis stood in disbelief behind me. I chuckled and Mrs. Phelps rolled her eyes. Travis's dad stood up from his chair quickly and Travis flinched. "Travis, it isn't nice to cut people off. "His father glared at him and I awkwardly moved around on the porch. "It's fine Mr. Phelps. I was just here to drop off his homework." Travis and his father turned to look at me. Mrs. Phelps smiled in front of me then moved to the side. "Come on in dear!" I walk in and take my shoes off next to the other ones. I took my bag off and kneeled down to open my bag. I grabbed the papers and handed them to him. He awkwardly smiled then held the papers tightly. I stood up and Mrs. Phelps looked at me curiously. Then Mr. Phelps said, "What's with the ugly mask?" Travis instantly blurted out, "It's a uh- prosthetic father." Me and Travis met eyes and I noticed he was obviously crying earlier. First he flinched when his father stood up, and now he looked like he was crying.. Is he being.. Abused? This explains a lot.. It instantly changed the way I looked at him. Mr. Phelps glared at me. "Well, you dropped off his homework, now leave. I don't like guests. Especially ones that look like.. You." He pointed at me and it pissed me off. Mrs. Phelps frowned and gently touched me. She leaned in my ear then smiled. "If you want.. Saturday, come over and have lunch with us. Kenneth won't be here." She smiled widely then I put my shoes on and she was about to start to walk me to the door when Travis spoke up. "Can I walk him out?" Mrs, and Mr. Phelps nodded. Travis quickly walked over to his shoes and started walking to the door with me. We walked out and he glared at me. We walked off the porch then he stopped and looked pissed. "What the hell did my mother say to you?!" I chuckled and shrugged. "Guess you'll have to wait and see Travis!" I giggled and quickly walked away before he could do anything. "Sally face I swear!!!" I chuckled and walked away. Y/N wanted me to do homework with them anyways, so I needed to get back.

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