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"Kenneth please!.. Leave Travis out of this!.." My mother pleaded father while they were fighting. Tears were falling down my face. "SHUT UP WOMAN!" I heard him shout at her and I heard something get shoved. I quickly stood up and stopped crying. I walked out of my room and downstairs. Mother was on the floor. They both glared at me. "Travis hunny.. Please go back to your room!.." She stared at me with her hazel eyes. "No!.. You! You pushed her!" I stared up at my father. He grinned and nodded. "Yeah, I did. What are you going to do?" He leaned down to look at me. I sighed. "Don't hit her, hit me instead." I stared up at him as mother gasped. He grinned widely and I knew this was going to hurt for awhile.


It was like, 3rd period, which is algebra and I have it with Travis. But apparently he hasn't been seen in any of his classes. So, here I am, looking for someone who hates my guts. I walked in one of the empty classrooms. "Travis?" Nothing. I didn't see anything either. I walked back out and walked outside.

I checked around the whole school building outside and nothing. I walked back in Mrs. Packerton's class in defeat. She looked at me worried. "Anything?" I shook my head. She sighed. She picked up her phone and started dialling a number I haven't seen before. "Hello? Mrs. Phelps?" I stood there awkwardly while she was on the phone.


I heard Sal shouting my name a while ago but I never saw him. Then again I'm currently sitting in the woods. I sighed and walked out. Sal was already gone. I started walking back towards the school. I walked in the building and walked to algebra class. I opened the door then walked in. "Oh-Travis!!" Mrs. Packerton looked at me shocked as I ran straight into Sal.


Mrs. Packerton just got off the phone with Mrs. Phelps because she's on her way to pick up Travis. That's when the door suddenly opened then the next thing I knew I was on the ground. I turned around to face Travis on top of me. The class started giggling. Travis quickly stood up and slowly let his hand out to help me up. I chuckled under my breath and grabbed his hand. He pulled me up and we both turned back to Mrs. Packerton. "Travis your mom is on her way to pick you up." Travis slightly nodded. "Okay.. Well, goodbye." He waved to us and walked back out. I didn't realize I was smiling until my smile faded when he left. What? "Alright, now that, that is solved, let's start class." Mrs. Packerton shooed me to my seat and I walked back to it. I sat down and started doodling like I was before.


I like how I said I wouldn't be working on this as much, but here I am, with already 8 parts and 4 aren't published. And I wrote like 6 of those last night. Lord I need help(not seriously) I'm used to it just being salvis so I'm trying to add Y/N as much as I can, I promise.

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