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I smiled at the sight of Travis. He ran in my room and hugged me. He wrapped his hands around my body and put his head on my shoulder. His legs were between mine and he started crying. "I.. I missed you.. So fucking much.." Travis instantly hugged me tighter. I hugged him too. I then gently pushed him away and looked him in the eyes. I grabbed his chin and pulled him in to kiss him. He instantly kissed me back. I wiped his tears away then I noticed how long his hair got. It basically covered his eyes but it still made him look hot. I chuckled and moved his hair out of his eyes. He then hugged me again. "Don't ever leave me again." Travis sniffled and I hugged him back and turned my body so we could cuddle and not sit up right. "I won't ever leave you Trav." Travis started crying again and hugged me tightly like he would never let go. I smiled and I didn't realize I was crying.

Everyone else came to visit while Travis continued to sleep feeling safe. "We all thought you.. Were dead..." Y/N had tears in Y/P eyes. Larry was crying. Larry was crying so hard. "Larry, come here." Everyone else walked out. He walked over to me and held my hand. "God damnit.. I-I thought you.. Sal.. I'm so sorry.." Larry fell to his knees and held my hand tightly. I slowly moved off the bed to not wake Travis and I got down and hugged Larry tightly. "It's.. It's okay now Larry.." I started crying too. Larry hugged me tightly. "I love you.. I'm so.. So.. Sorry dude... If you... I would've hated myself forever..." I put my head on Larry's shoulder and he did the same thing. "I would never leave you Lar."

Once everyone was gone, including Travis, dad walked in. Tears fell down his face and he sat down on the bed near my feet. "I can't believe.. Sal in so sorry for not believing you." I smiled slightly. "It's okay dad... Now we just know the truth.." I moved to be near him and he hugged me. "I remember what happened to mother like it was yesterday.." I put my face in my hands and I started crying. "I miss her so much dad.." Father hugged me tightly. "These.. These stupid scars remind me of her everyday.." I hugged dad tightly and cried into his chest. "I love you so... Much dad.." I heard him sniffle and he put his head in mine. "I love you too, son. I'm so proud of you."


I watched the two people I love dearest cry over my death. It broke my heart watching them cry. I walked up to them and touched them both on the face. This is the last time I'll be able to touch them, so I'll make it last. "Mom?" Sal looked at me. I smiled weakly. Henry then looked too. He smiled. "I love you both so much." I bent down and hugged Sal. My amazing son. I love him so, so much. He's perfect. I could never of asked for a different son. I then gently kissed Henry. "I love you dear." Henry smiled and so did Sal. "I'll be watching over you two. Tell Larry his dad is watching over him too."


Me and father watched mother fade away after what she said. "Well.. Sal, you'll be able to leave in a week." I nodded. "I'll come back tomorrow with Lisa and larry." He stood up and walked out. I grabbed my phone on the nightstand and texted Larry.

S:Hey Larry?
S:Me and Dad saw my mom
L:Rlly?! That's crazy dude!
S:Yeah.. She told me to tell u ur dad is looking over u
L:... Thanks for telling me Sal
S:Np, night Lar.
L:Night Sal

I set my phone back down and got comfortable in bed.

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