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Y/N=Your name
Y/P= Your pronouns

Y/N sadly waved bye to me then walked away to class. I feel horrible. I was starting to walk to art class when Travis shoved me. "Watch it fag!!" He glared at me annoyed. I sigh and nod. "Sorry Travis." I grumbled his name out of my mouth and he noticed that. "What was that, Fisher?!" He pinned me against the wall and stared me in the eyes with anger. "Listen, I really don't want to deal with your shit today, Phelps. So do your worse." I chuckled at him and he grinned. He punched me square in the face then kicked me to fall down.


It's now lunch, and no one has seen Sal since this morning. "Hey ash? Have you seen Sal?" Me and Larry have looked, everywhere. "No, I thought he was with you?" Panic rushed through my body. He's like a brother to me. I glanced over to where Travis usually sits and he wasn't there either. Now that I think about it.. He wasn't in any of my classes that I usually have with him! "Phelps you fucker!!" I rushed out of the cafeteria.


I grinned up at Travis who was sitting on the bleachers. He was currently smoking, just waiting for someone to spot us both. That's when Y/N rushed out. "Travis Phelps!!!" Y/N quickly walked up to us and I was sitting on the ground all beat up. Travis shrugged behind Y/N. "He asked for it, so I gave him what he wanted." He chuckled and stood up. "I was waiting for his faggot friends to find him before I left him so he didn't die, so now I'll be leaving." He chuckled and left. Y/N stared at me then hugged me. "Sal I'm so sorry!.." I chuckled. "When he said I asked for it, I meant it. I'm fine Y/N" Y/N started to tear up. Y/P slightly giggled. Larry then walked out a bit later with some bandages. He quickly walked to us and he stared at me. "You look rough." He chuckled and I nodded. Y/N gently took my prosthetic off while Larry unwrapped the bandages. "How bad is it?" They both stared at me then each other. "Uh.. Not so good dude." Larry sighed and I rolled my eyes. "I'll be fine! I'm tough!" Y/N chuckled. "You're definitely something little dude." Y/N chuckled at what Y/P said and so did Larry.


I slid down the bathroom stall door and clenched my fists. I clenched my fists so hard they were pale. I then let go and started crying. "GOD DAMNIT!!!" I quickly stood up and punched the door behind me. I squeezed my head and slowly fell back down. I didn't want to hurt him.. But I couldn't help me anger.. God damnit someone save me..


I layed in bed and stared up at the ceiling. Gizmo was asleep next to me and I was listening to the rain. It was supposed to rain the rest of the week. And tomorrow is only Tuesday. I yawned and my eyelids slowly closed.

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