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It was Kenneth's last trial, so let's go out with a bang. I left my hair down and had my mask around one of the loops on my jeans. I had some chains hanging on my jeans too. And of course, my normal sweater. No one knows I'm going. I walked out of the apartments and towards the courtroom.

I walked in and sat down. Kenneth looked shocked to see me. Everyone did. Travis and his mother were there. So was Ash and Larry. I grinned at his face. The Jury looked at me. "Sal..? Fisher?" I nodded. "We have some questions for you." I stood up and Kenneth did too. I sat in his seat and he walked over to the officers. "What did Kenneth say to you that night of the incident?" I glared at Kenneth. "He said, 'I remember shooting your mother.' He also said how he raped. My mother." I stared at Kenneth with hatred. "So, he caused your mother's death and what happened to your face. Correct?" I nodded. "Did you, know about him abusing his wife and son?" "I knew about him abusing Travis. Not Mrs. Phelps though." They nodded. "Do you by chance remember how your mother died?" I nodded. "He shot her with a shotgun. It was powerful because it blasted her whole stomach open and hit my face. She was trying to protect me. She was an amazing mother." They nodded again. "That's all the questions we have." I stood up and walked back to my seat. Kenneth walked back to his. "Kenneth Phelps, what made you shoot Diane Fisher?" He rolled his eyes. "She was such a slut, and, I was never fond of the Fishers. Especially they're faggot son." He stared right at me. "My son, was perfectly fine before he came along." I quickly stood up. "Shut the fuck up. You don't even know what you put your fucking son through!!!" I shouted at Kenneth. "Sal-" I couldn't help but cut the jury off. "You abused him basically every, fucking, day. He told me about when you threw him at the wall. When you dragged him in the house. When you beat him for not getting his homework done in what, AN HOUR?!?!" I clenched my fists so hard they turned white. "Fucking burn in hell." They all stared at me. He was speechless. "You still decide to speak? What I teach my son shouldn't concern you. Does your father even love you?" I glared at him. "Does you son even love you?" Kenneth rolled his eyes. "Enough." The jury glared at me. "Oh? So I'm the problem?" I shoved my hands in my pockets. "Sal, please leave." I rolled my eyes. "If only you promise me he gets the death penalty." I stared up at him. "My mother doesn't deserve to die and this prick doesn't get anything in return." I stared at Kenneth. "If anything, he probably killed Larry's dad too." Kenneth laughed. "Smart you are, Sal." Larry slammed his hands on the table. "WHAT?!?" Me and Larry stared at him with anger. "If he doesn't get the death penalty, I'll kill him myself." I stared at the Jury. They nodded. "Do the Jury agree?" They nodded again. "Kenneth Phelps, you'll have the death penalty." I flipped Kenneth off. "Have fun in hell. Fucker." I stormed out of the courtroom and out of the courthouse. I learned against the wall, knowing who was behind me. Travis, Ash, and Larry walked out. "Fucker." Larry slid down the wall. He started crying. We all hugged Larry, including Travis. "I'm sorry Larry." Ash said and wiped his tears. "We're probably going to go to Y/N's." Me and Travis nodded. "Stay safe." They stood up and walked toward the Jeep. Travis looked at me and chuckled. "You looked hot." He smiled like an idiot. "God you're stupid." I leaned in and kissed him. He kissed me back. "I love you." Travis grinned like an idiot again. "I love you too." I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand. We walked to wendigo lake.

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