Twenty Five

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"Wait. You were joking?!?!" Me and Travis laughed. "Well, too late now! What about that one guy uh.. Cameron?" Larry blinked. "Who?" I chuckled. "He's pretty hot. He has black hair and he's pretty tall and masculine." Travis shoved me. "I'm hot too!" I rolled my eyes. "Yeah yeah. Shhh." Larry shrugged. "He's from my college. I talk to him off and on." I added. Larry nodded. "Uh.. Alright. I'm a little nervous though." I grinned. "You'll be fine!" Then I thought for a moment. "Larry, when I you going to tell everyone?" He looked at me confused. "Hm?" I rolled my eyes. "When are you going to tell everyone you're alive." He shrugged. "Tomorrow?" Travis grumbled. "Tomorrow is Sunday.. I have to go help mom at the church." I chuckled. "Guess you'll miss out." Larry smiled. "I'll tell you all the details." Travis grinned. "You better!"

Larry nervously looked in the mirror. "Jesus Larry, you'll be fine!" Larry awkwardly chuckled. "Yeah.. I know." Larry turned around. "Trying new hairstyles?" I shrugged. "I dunno, I've been wearing ponytails recently." Larry gave me a thumb up. "Looks good dude." I smiled under my prosthetic. "Thanks larbear." Larry rolled his eyes. "Let's just go." I smiled. I grabbed his hand. "Cmon Larry! Onward!!!"

Me and Larry walked to the lake. We were swinging our hands back and forth since we were still holding hands. I told everyone to meet up here at 3. I wasn't excited to see Y/N. Y/P hasn't even apologized yet. Me and Lar sat down against the tree. The rough bark was pretty uncomfortable but it was nice. It was a bit windy today and cloudy. My.. "Your favorite weather." Larry smiled and closed his eyes and leaned his head against the tree and looked up. "Yeah.." I leaned back and smiled. I'm glad Larry is alive.

Once everyone got here Larry hid behind the tree where none of them could see. I sat down and dangled my feet over the water. Todd and Neil sat next to me. Travis was glad we picked to meet up at 3 because he was currently on his way. Once he got here I stood up and walked to him. "Hey Sal." I smiled. "Hey love." Travis smiled like an idiot. He gently hugged me. I hugged him back. Todd stood up and walked over to me. "What did you want us to meet for?" I smiled. "Well, since everyone is here now.." Ash awkwardly looked at me. They could tell I was happier. "Cmon dumbass." Larry walked out and blinked awkwardly. "I uh- Fell asleep." I rolled my eyes. Ash quickly got up and ran to him. She then slapped him. "You.. You prick!! You.. Why?!?" Larry smiled and hugged her anyways. "I'm sorry Ashley. I wasn't thinking right." She glared at him. "Obviously." Todd and Neil walked up to them too. They hugged him too. Y/N was speechless. Y/N walked up to me. "Sal.. I'm.. I'm sorry." I grumbled. Larry then walked over to us. "About?" I stared at him. And he stared at Y/N. Y/N sighed. "I was a real (bitch/dick) to Sal. And I apologize Sal. I truly do mean it." I nodded. "It's fine." Y/N nodded. Ash jumped on Larry's back. "Ow. Hi." He grumbled and ash chuckled. "Hi!" Larry plopped down and ash sat down behind him. "You're too heavy." Ash grumbled. "You're just weak!" Larry nodded. "That too." I chuckled and me and Travis sat down with them. "I love you guys." Todd and Neil sat down too. Y/N joined us. "I love you too Sal." Larry smiled. "I love him more." Travis grinned. Ash rolled her eyes. "Yes Travis, whatever, I love you guys too." Todd smiled and pushed up his glasses. "You are all amazing friends. I love you guys too." Neil chuckled. "Same for me. You're all amazing." Y/N sighed and chuckled. "I may be a pain sometimes, but in the end you guys are all amazing." We all smiled at each other and I hugged Travis. "I love you most." Travis giggled. "I know."

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