Chapter 15

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The entire squad sat around the table, except Yadhi and Acay who were sitting beside Hange. Everyone was mostly in shock that this happened, Historia didn't even raise an eyebrow as I had already told her of what was to come. "I figured the Church would want to deal with Nick since he was cooperating with the Scouts. That's why I hid his identity and had him stay in the barracks, but... To think they would use soldiers to kill him... I was too careless. It's entirely my fault." Hange was punishing herself for something that isn't her fault.

True, maybe the pastor could've needed more protection, but I bet they all would have been killed anyway. Levi sipped his tea as we remained silent. "The Military Police tortured the pastor to find out what he spilled to us, poor man. He didn't deserve that..." Haco said, and Armin agreed. "However, did they just want to know what he'd passed to us?" The blonde questioned and Levi put the cup back down. "It was the Interior Military Police, which means there's something more behind it. So, how many nails did Nick have ripped off?" Levi asked as he glanced at Hange, surprising her in the process. "You saw, right? How many?"

"I only caught a glimpse of him, but all the nail beds I saw were empty." I pursed my lips at the thought, I caught Armin sneaking a glance at Haco as my cousin bit his nail in nervousness. "People that talk, talk after one. If they don't, peeling more won't make a difference. Pastor Nick... I thought he was an idiot, but... He didn't turn away from what he believed, all the way till the end. In other words, they have no idea we've caught wind of the Reiss family." Said Levi and Historia furrowed her brows in concern.

"That may be the case, but it does not mean the government doesn't have their eyes fixed on us. We'll need to act carefully on our plan." Levi stayed silent as the others agreed with me, a gloomy look spreading across their faces.

A girl with red hair stepped into the house, and I recognized her as Nifa. "Captain Levi. A message from Commander Erwin. I went to tell him about Pastor Nick, but he sent me off with this."

Levi opened the letter and began reading to himself, his calm behavior turning to a serious one. "Get your gear, now! We're leaving. Leave no trace we were here." My cousins and I reacted first and the rest followed, we geared up and put everything away.

As the sun began falling, soldiers came near the house so I turned off the lights and grabbed the letter. I leaped out from a window and used my gear to jump onto a branch, next to Levi. "You took too long, what were you doing?" The captain asked, I showed him the letter and he didn't say anything. "It's meant for Zachary. Urgent matter... That I won't solve because of this bull." The others were by a cliff not far from us, but Levi, Hange and I stayed to make sure nothing was out of place, we didn't even leave our clothes. "We're being hunted." I muttered, Levi stood quiet as we watched the Police getting nearer.

"Make sure to not leave my side." He said without looking at me, it's a really bad time to feel my heart beating so hard.

Once the Military Police was close enough, we left the area and reunited with the rest of the squad. Everyone watched the house being ransacked from down to up. "I can't believe they are doing all of this without questioning." Acay said, and I hugged him as we stared at the scene before us. "If we hadn't left right then, what would've happened to us?" Asked Connie, his eyes widening in fear.

"Would they even kill us...?" Yadhi inquired, making the team lower their gazes. "But why? What would make Commander Erwin...?" Armin began but was interrupted by Levi. "New orders came from the government. There's been a freeze on all Scout Regiment activity outside the wall. They're telling us to hand over (Y/N), Eren and Historia." Mikasa and Eren gasped, and Haco was beyond furious. "You have to be kidding me!"

I inhaled and exhaled deeply, sensing Historia walking behind me with a downcast aura. "By the way, right after he gave me the message... The Military Police came for Commander Erwin..." Nifa explained and Hange took a step foward. "They're treating him like some sort of criminal!" She exclaimed, surprised that the government would mistreat someone like Erwin. "Someone's not working from the shadows anymore. They're moving for all eyes to see." Levi lowers his weapon and Hange glances at him. "To go that far to protect the wall's secrets... What's more, why do they want us to hand over (Y/N), Eren and Historia? Not to kill, but for them to obtain?"

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