Chapter 27

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"Come again? What the fuck?" It was the third time I had to explain the issue that we were getting ourselves into. Haco remembers when I spoke about Marley, so from there I began telling the history of the city and Paradis Island, the island on which the Subjects of Ymir are surviving. Margaret had a hard time keeping up as well, and even tho she lived in Marley as of now, I guess she didn't have much time to explore since we got back to our world. "Don't tell me you didn't get the memories." Margaret raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms as she let go of a suitcase. "I did get them! Just very recently... Contrary to the two of you I was born in Marley, grandpa kidnapped (Y/N), then brought me, my brother, and cousin to see the base of the Egregor, all went wrong, everyone died, and now we're here."

"Great sum up." It wasn't sarcasm, I couldn't have explained it better than that, to be honest. "Marley lost a great advantage to winning the war by losing me and failing to capture Eren, everything will go slow-mo until one of the two gets annihilated."

"Don't be too sure, hun. Marley is victorious in every single battle against other continents, and from what we see, Paradis isn't exactly safe..." The three of us glance at various soldiers with unfamiliar attires, what got my attention was their armbands. I sighed in discontent. "The Marleyan military aren't kidding. Once they know I'm an Eldian they'll start harassing me, I'll have to put the two of you as my ticket to travel and say I'm a slave." In the corner of my eyes, I see an alarmed Haco as I say this and Margaret smiled, agreeing with the plan. "Right, now please put these on." My cousin and I widened our eyes as the older woman took out a black suit and a white dress from her case. "You can't go to the world's greatest city without looking neat!"

Sweatdropping, I grimaced at having to put that on, but I had to oblige in the end. I had the intuition that Marley correlates to the early 1900s in our world because of the airplanes, photography, and steam-powered ships... That point in time best aligns with the late Victorian or Edwardian Era.

"Wait a sec, we're not... Going back...?" I heard Haco murmur from behind me, Margaret gazed back at us and I raised my brows, feeling many eyes on us from Marleyans soldiers and citizens alike. The older woman smirked and hugged my cousin with an arm, laughing heartfully to divert attention. "What are you talking about, honey?? We already got an Eldian slave! What else do you want, huh?!" The people seemed to grow considerably appeased, and we were pushed past the doors of the boat by Margaret and into a private room, which was very beautiful and comfortable.

It was quiet, too quiet, Haco looked exasperated by the fact that we won't see the squad for quite some time. I didn't know what to say.

"Fiineee, if nobody wants to say anything then I'll start." Margaret affirmed. "In the little time I've spent in Marley, I've found out that these 'Warriors' were raised to follow the orders of their superiors without question." I suddenly thought of Reiner and Bertholdt, so this is what they meant by Warriors. "They were to believe that their race is responsible for all the wrongdoings in the history of the world, given the fact that they are humans capable of transforming into titans. With this stigma in mind, Eldian children were at times offered up to the Marley Government to become Warriors so that the families may have been granted honorary Marleyan Citizenship rather than face subjugation within isolated internment zones, such as the one in Liberio, for example."

"Liberio?" Haco questioned, interested in the conversation as he should be. I got his attention when I began talking. "It's a Marleyan city that contains a designated area of land for Eldians on the mainland to live in. If I remember well... In your grandfather's memories, I saw it was separated by a large wall from the Marleyan area."

"Warriors candidates who demonstrated the most exceptional performance on the battlefield were often said to be given the privilege of inheriting one of the seven Titans which Marley obtained during the Great Titan War. More recently, a critical operation for Marley in which the Founding Titan must be taken from within the Walls was served for these Warriors, as you already know, the plan was a complete and utter failure. I also heard many soldiers complaining about the Egregor experiments, and how everything went to shit when the Rock Titan escaped... (Y/N), if there's war in Paradis, you and Eren will be their primary targets. They know who you are." So soldiers did go to the underground base to investigate. I couldn't help but shrug a little, crossing my legs as I stared at the ocean. "How couldn't they? Zeke Yeager knew who I was the moment he saw me back in Shiganshina, he most likely rattled out everything to the Government."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2023 ⏰

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