Chapter 25

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"Kill them..."

"Please, stop..."

"Do as you must."

"Thank you..."

"Don't be foolish."

My trance broke as I am forced awake by those figures. They don't seem as hostile as when Haco's grandfather was amongst them, they stay to help me, but what are they? Previous holders of the Rock Titan? Perhaps the Egregor that were once alive? If so, how do they do to connect from the beyond?

"(Y/N)." I glance at grandpa Lisandre with little to no emotion. We came back to Wall Rose days ago and with everything put on the table at once, the death of Yadhi and Acay, the photo, our world, our memories and the connection, the Egregor, our bloodline... Grandpa remembers having one love in his life but left her for war many years ago, and that was in our world. Haco's sitting in front of me, downcast at the whole information and the people we've lost. "I don't understand, I'm the only one that hasn't had any single fake memory that you speak of. This bloodline bullshit and that MY grandfather kidnapped (Y/N)... How do we know in the first place your family didn't give you up?"

He has a point there, and I crossed my arms as we let him continue. "To have this situation worsen it seems that 'we' come from outside the Walls, just like Grisha Yeager. (Y/N) inadvertently let the word 'photograph' slip out and..."

"Someone snitched out. The Military Police is asking for your imprisonment." Grandpa told us, and Haco and I widened our eyes in surprise. "I saw this coming as soon as I was told. In truth I do not blame them, every enemy we've had came from outside the Walls. Even I am having issues proving that I was born in Wall Rose according to my fake memories, the corruption lives on." I sighed in frustration, placing a hand on my jaw. Haco is trying to think of something but to no avail. "My brother... In a cult like the Egregor...? I did not see that coming." Haco and I turned our heads to grandpa Lisandre as he shut his eyes, he looked disappointed. "The Egregor are a cult?" Haco questioned.

Grandpa leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms. "From what I've heard, they capture children and torture them to summon some kind of creature. Mythological ones, some say Ymir Fritz. When I first took the role of Commander in Chief, I ordered a few soldiers to investigate that case, but we never reached a conclusion."

"If we find a way to this cult perhaps we could learn the origins of the Rock Titan, and how the experimentation works." I suggested, and Haco furrowed his brows. "You are willing to step outside of the Walls? With God only knows how many titans are there?"

"It's a risk I have to take to find the truth! I'm tired of staying quiet and doing nothing except watching everyone DIE!!" I raised my voice without meaning to, surprising even grandpa. "Sorry..." I muttered.

"I'm going with you." I was ready to reject that idea but I was cut off by Haco. "That's final. We might be distant relatives but we grew up together, you're my friend and family. I don't want to lose anyone else either." There was a moment of silence in the room until grandpa opened his mouth. "Then it's settled. In two days, you are to explore outside the Walls, the first humans to do so in centuries... Be careful. And come back safe." Haco and I stepped out of that room, shutting the door before walking together outside. "This is bullshit at an unimaginable record." I agreed on that with a hum, feeling some uncomfortableness as we realized that his cousins were always the ones starting a conversation, or making everyone laugh. "This is weird..." I mumbled loud enough for him to hear. "It kind of is, I didn't know my brother could be so annoying and... So needed."

Haco sighed after a while. "I need coffee."

"Yeah, me too. The bittersweet flavor is welcoming. At least to stay awake and do work." I said, knowing how bad my sleep schedule will be because of their dead. "We'll miss them. A lot. Won't we...?" He confided, a small smile forming on his lips.

𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝟐𝟎𝟎𝟎 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 | 𝐀𝐎𝐓Where stories live. Discover now