Chapter 21

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With a lasting kiss, Levi stepped out of the room and I took my time to put on my black uniform, and last but not least, the green coat of the Scouts. I sighed as I stared at myself in the mirror, healing the kisses that Levi left on me last night and doing my hair into a crown braid before opening my door and finding my cousins about to knock. I raised an eyebrow and widened my eyes as they looked nervous, Acay was even trembling. "M-Morning. Sooo, do we have permission to ride with you to Shiganshina?" He asked and I nodded, his lips forming into a smile, but Haco wasn't happy about this. "Seriously? We know that a battle is about to partake and you're letting them come with us?"

"I know how you feel, but you have to admit that more people have chances of getting out alive with these two in their teams. I'm about to give the news to Erwin and Hange, and I know they will agree." I explained, receiving a frown from Haco as he crossed his arms. We made a deal not long ago, no more spoilers of what's going to happen and just let things slide by in an attempt of getting used to the things of this world. For the older brother, it was hard to agree to, as he too has people to protect, people he loves in his squad, and I kind of blocked when I told him Armin is going to become the Colossal Titan. "What about the memories? Don't tell me you can see the future now." Yadhi joked and I shook my head, beginning to walk away with my cousins following. "I don't know what they are, sometimes these flashes give a sense of nostalgia. I told Historia to be careful because she was going to get kidnapped and I didn't want her to get hurt, after that night in the chapel my migraines have been getting worse." We watch Acay furrow his brows and stop to look at me.

"Wait, wait. Aggressive migraines? Didn't Mikasa also suffer from that?" I widened my eyes when I heard Acay point that out, Yadhi and Haco glanced at the younger one and I placed a hand on my head. "Of course... I totally forgot about that." Haco mumbled, but it was loud enough for us to hear. "Can you tell her to meet me tonight in the stables?" I asked and they nodded, running away to reunite with Levi's squad downstairs.

I sighed and stared at nothing, my stare empty as I started overthinking. I'm afraid something like this has little to do with Historia and Eren, and more to do with the Founding Titan, I'm not seeing anything that is helping humanity like Eren is and it stresses me a lot. Instead, I feel like someone, somewhere, is trying to reach me, trying to tell me something very important. "Good morning!" I jumped a little and turned back to Hange, who had just slapped my back abruptly. "God, Hange! You scared me!" She chuckled and stared at my face, her smile disappearing. "You alright? You look like someone ran you over." I scratched my head and let out a small laugh. "Just overthinking. Anyway, are you on your way to meet with my grandpa?" I questioned and we resumed our way to the destination. "Yeah, knowing the Commander in Chief, he'll be pretty late. I can't believe you're his granddaughter, I had a hunch you knew each other when he ordered us to be careful with you, but not like this."

"Erwin thought the same thing, most people think he was joking because we don't look alike. Grandpa Zachary is the brother of my deceased grandfather, of course there will be differences." Hange hummed at my explanation, and she was about to open her lips but was stopped by laughter coming from a hall. I recognized that voice, Floch Forster and a few other soldiers. "-- Come on, I understand that the propaganda for the Survey Corps helped to draw in, but we all know the real reason everyone is joining is to watch the Rock Titan's ass around. Don't get me wrong, she's beautiful. But just between us... I don't believe she got the rank of Commander by mere hard work, she's still a titan."

I stopped Hange from raising her voice, wanting to hear more as my pupils shrunk to the point of surprising someone like her. "She either begged that crazy Commander of ours to give her a superior rank, or because she's sucking Captain Levi's cock... It doesn't mean she's not only sucking his." My whole mood darkened along with my eyes, hearing the soldiers laugh was the last straw as I stepped into their view. The recently admitted soldiers stared at me in horror, and Floch turned his head to the side to watch me and Hange standing.

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