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Shining jewelry, expensive clothes, fake smiles, and fake attitudes. These are all the things you can see at a party hosted by the rich. Some may think that this life is great. Everything is at your command with a snap of a finger. That is true, but all the work that comes with it is something Chaim¹ absolutely hates.

Chaim is a young and wealthy businessman. One of the great geniuses of his generation. At the age of 21, Chaim has already built his own business empire just because he was bored of college (and also because he doesn't want to be scolded every time he lazes away). You can never see Chaim awake unless he is working on another product, eating, or tinkering with his gadgets to further 'improve' them.

After being rudely woken up by his secretary, he was forced to attend a birthday party of a person with an identity he didn't bother to know. Now, here he is, barely standing and supporting himself on the back of his secretary, forcing himself to stay awake through the welcoming speech of the celebrant so as to not appear ruder than he already is, seeing as he didn't even bother to spare the energy to clap for the person on stage or to even stand straight.

"Axy~ when can we leave?" Chaim annoyingly whispered to his secretary.

"You still have to greet Mr. Meyers, Chaim. Just try to stay awake and also, please don't call me Axy ever again. It makes my hair stand up. Call me Axel like every other normal adult would do."

"But-" Chaim was interrupted by the sight of the catering table situated on their right.

Axel saw where his eyes landed and couldn't help but release a sigh.

"If I get you food, would you shut up?"

"I don't know. It depends on what you would give me."

Axel dragged Chaim to a nearby table and pushed him onto the chair.

"Stay there and don't fall asleep."

Seeing Axel turn his back, Chaim released a not-so-appealing yawn. The people approaching him couldn't help but cough awkwardly because of the scene.

They tried to come closer but quickly halted because of the sudden loss of light. You could hear murmurs of panic and some attendants trying to calm the guests.

While Chaim was confused in his semi-awake state, he quickly became awake by the searing pain he felt on his back, followed by more. His shouts were stopped by the taste of rust in his mouth and the feeling of warm liquid seeping through his lips. He tried coughing to relieve the pressure on his throat but all his attempts were useless.

His body swayed and fell along with the table and chairs he was grasping to steady himself. A loud crash was heard which heightened the panic everyone was feeling.

Once the lights came back, they saw a young man lying in his own blood, the perpetrator nowhere near in sight.

Shouts erupted in the once joyful celebration. Axel quickly kneeled beside his friend and supported his head onto his lap.

"Ahh! Someone call the ambulance!"

"Call the police!"

"Ohmygod! That's Mr. Chaim!"

Chaim slowly felt all the feeling leaving his body. His once bright eyes were now slowly getting dull.

'Finally, some peace and quiet'

"Chaim! You have to stay with me, buddy. I'll let you call me Axy anytime you want, just don't close your eyes." Axel hurriedly said while his eyes are filling up with tears.

"T-that's a hard de-deal, A-axy. You know I l-love to sle-sleep. Don't worry, you're i-in my w-will." Chaim said with all his strength. His attempts at laughter were replaced by coughs laced with mouthfuls of blood on everyone.

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