Theron (3)

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"Hi. I'm Arzhel. What are you doing here? It's lunch, you should be at the cafeteria. Oh no, do you not have lunch money? Come with me, I'll buy you lunch."

Before the boy could respond, Arzhel pulled him to the cafeteria.

"Anyway, you haven't told me your name yet." He said with a mouth filled with food.

The boy looked at him in disgust before replying.

"I'm Theron."

Arzhel swallowed then looked at Theron.

"Well Theron, I declare that you and I are now friends!"

Chaim opened his eyes. He felt something warm on his side and saw Arzhel who was still sound asleep.

'I should probably cook him breakfast or something to get affection points.'

He carefully removed Arzhel's arm that was on him and replaced it with a pillow.

He grabbed the wheelchair near the bad and attempted to sit himself on it.

{How do I do this?}

[How would I know? I've never been paralyzed before.]


He tried to hold the wheelchair but everytime he applied pressure to it, it would move away.

"What the...."

He looked at the wheel to see if there was a lock, and there was. The problem is, he wouldn't be able to reach it since the bed was quite tall.

So, he decided to do it fast. He held the wheelchair closer to the bed and took a deep breath.

'I can do this. How hard can this be? I built a company, I can transfer myself into a wheelchair. I can do this.'

After counting down, Chaim quickly lifted himself and sat on the wheelchair. He made quite the noise but Arzhel was still peacefully sleeping.

'Thank goodness he's still asleep. This wouldn't be worth it if he just woke up.'

Chaim rolled himself into the kitchen where he was faced again with another problem.

"Why is everything so....tall?"

Since he was sitting down, Chaim can barely reach the counter.

"Breakfast seems so hard to achieve right now."

".....Theron?" Arzhel woke up with a pillow in his embrace instead of the person he slept with.

He noticed that the wheelchair was gone and the door was slightly ajar. And through that door, he can hear a few faint sounds.


"This is..."



Arzhel quietly went to the kitchen and saw the war that is currently on-going. In that war, it seems that the Kingdom of Burntofoodah is winning.

"Theron, what are you doing?"

"Ah!" Theron got startled and the questionable egg-looking thing that he was about to flip landed in the sink.

"Aww, that was the most promising one."

"I'll take it from here." Arzhel snatched the spatula from Theron and pushed him out of the kitchen.

"If you wanted food, you could've just woken me up, you know."

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