Vaughn (5)

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"Welcome to Phylloine Kingdom! To your left, you can see the kingdom square and up ahead is the residential area. As we pass that area...."

"Is he seriously giving us a tour?" Nigel whispered to Vaughn.

"Nigel, let him have his fun."

After travelling together for quite some time, Nigel became more comfortable in Vaughn's presence and wasn't treating him as stiffly as before. He's still serving him like a butler would, but there are some improvements.

"Ignacius, thank you for that, but can you point us to an inn or something? I feel like we should settle that first." Vaughn said softly.

"Of course! As your trusted guide, I certainly know the best places! Come, follow me."

They were led to a decent looking building, thay is if you ignored the sunken floorboards, leaking ceiling, broken windows, and a bee hive just a couple of feet away from the door.

"Are you sure? This does not look like the best to me. Come on, Vaughn. We're going somewhere else." Nigel pulled Vaughn away, but Ignacius stopped them.

"Wait, wait, wait. I know it doesn't look like much, but they provide the best service, I promise."

"Ignacius, how many times have you been here?" Vaughn asked.


"And this is where you stayed?"


"Don't you want to explore other options? What's use is adventuring if you're going to stick to your comfort zone?"

Ignacius was persuaded. Vaughn made a good point. He doesn't want to settle for this place when he can explore others.

So, they set off and looked for a different inn.

A couple of hours later, they met up in front of the building again.

"I can't believe not a single inn or house for rent is available. We searched this place from South to North, East to West, and yet we end up here again." Vaughn said.

"Yeah, it's such a coincidence that it's weird. The streets aren't that full, and yet all the accommodations are? This doesn't feel right." Nigel commented.

"Don't be such theorists. I'm sure it's just a busy time for them. Now, let's head in. We don't want this place getting full, too."

Ignacous led them inside. Nigel left Vin at the reception area—which they shockingly have— and went to the counter with Ignacius to inquire.


Vaughn looked around. He didn't see anyone, so he went back to looking at Nigel and Ignacius.

"Come here~"

He tried finding the source of the voice, but he really couldn't see anyone apart from the three of them and the receptionist.

"Over here~ Come quickly~"

Vaughn stood up and walked towards the general direction of the voice. He was led to a really old painting. The canvas is tattered, the colors were barely recognizable, and the frame was missing two sides. It was shocking how it was still on the wall.

"Finally~ Free me from this place, and I will grant you whatever you wish for~"

Vaughn took a step back in fright when he heard the voice again.

"Don't be scared~ Come, free me~"

{This is why people get murdered in horror movies.}

[Then why are you going closer?]

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