Vin (12)

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"Can I stay with you for a couple of days?"

"Of course, Rem. But I do have to tell my uh...roommate? Yes, I have to tell my roommate first. But, if he doesn't agree, you can always hide in my closet."

Jeremiah laughed softly and laid his head on Vin's shoulder.

"You know, I only met you yesterday but I feel so calm and comfortable around you. You're like a tree on a hot sunny day, waiting for people to just take a rest under your shade."

That's because the people of this world have attachment issues!

"Wow...that-that means so much. I'm happy that I make you feel that way, Rem."

Yes, yes! Be happy in my presence!

"You're not even gonna ask why I want to stay with you?" Jeremiah asked as he played with Vin's fingers.

"I trust that you will tell me when you want to. Right now, you just need a friend who will be there for you. Now, let's go. I have to tell Mr. Scott that you're staying."

Vin and Jeremiah walked to Scott's apartment. They were shrouded in a comfortable silence throughout the way.

"Are you sure he'll be okay with me staying?" Jeremiah asked as he stared at the door.

"Don't be nervous. Mr. Scott is really nice."

Vin opened the door and they saw Scott at the living room. He was looking at papers that are probably contracts.

"Welcome back, Vin. There's some take-out at the table, you can help yourself with it." He said, still focused at work.

"Um...Mr. Scott, can I, uhm...we, can we talk to you?" Hearing Vin's nervous voice, Scott finally looked up. And when he saw Vin with a boy, he became serious.

"Alright, come sit." Jeremiah and Vin looked at each other before sitting in front of Scott.

"Mr. Scott, this is my friend, Jeremiah. Jeremiah, this is Mr. Scott."

Jeremiah and Scott shook hands.

"So, Vin, what do you want to talk about?"

Vin took a deep breath before speaking.

"Mr. Scott, can Rem stay here for a few days?"

Vin looked nervously at Scott while glancing at Jeremiah.

"Ok, well, let me talk to Jeremiah first before making a decision. Is that alright?"

He's acting like a father.

"Okay. Let me just heat up the take-out so we can eat it together."

When Vin left, Scott looked seriously at Jeremiah.

"Alright kid, tell me why you want to stay with Vin. Don't you have parents you need to go home to?"

{Why is he grilling him like that? He's acting like a dad that's talking to his daughter's suitors.}

[Are you sure he's not one?]

{What do you mean?}

[Aldrich and Scott is like a newly wedded couple who adopted you because of a fight, and now they're awkwardly trying to figure out how to be parents.]

{That's not true.}

[Is it, Chaim? Is it?]

{Argh! Shut up.}

"Hey guys, I heated up dinner. Let's eat." Chaim interupted the both of them when Scott was asking his tenth question, because he did not need to know how often Jeremiah goes to the bathroom. And don't ask him how the conversation led to that question because he did not know either.

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