Vin (14)

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"Vin, sit!"

"Vin, stay!"

"Vin, roll over!"

Everyone looked at Jeremiah with a deadpanned-look.

"What?  I thought we were playing." Jeremiah said with a shrug.

{Surely that was deliberate, right?}

[Who knows?]

The three idiots ran around like headless chickens, they gave Vin everything he might need. From food to water, extra blankets and pillows,  and they wouldn't let him lift a finger.

"Guys, I'm still as healthy as an ox. I won't die just because I stood up for five seconds." Vin said as a complaint, but the smile on his lips couldn't be hidden.

"Even if you create and perform a speech, you will not convince us. You just got out from the hospital, you can't strain yourself. You should obey the doctor's orders. And make sure to drink your prescriptions on time, okay? We will be here to make sure you do, but in the instances that we aren't, you should remember to take them." Scott said.

Vin just kept nodding his head. He already knows all that. With all the hospital visits he has done in his lifetime, those doctor's orders is the same as chores to him. You don't want to do it, but you have to.

"What do you want for dinner? Not to brag, but I make a good lasagna." Jeremiah boasted. He held his head high and his aura just screams 'praise me'.

"Well then, since you offered, why don't we taste that lasagna? I'm sure everything's in the kitchen. Now go, make sure even the smell would make us salivate." Scott shooed Jeremiah away in to the kitchen.

Once his goal was achieved, Scott showed a triumphant smile and sat beside Vin.

"Another day, another free meal. Ahh~ this is life. Am I right, Vin?" Scott joked as he placed his arm around Vin's shoulders.

"You do realize that the ingredients were bought by you? So it isn't a free meal." Aldrich countered.

"It's free labor. It's not everyday a teenager walks in to your house and offers to cook for you." Scott said.

"But I also cook for you, Mr. Scott. Is that not free labor?" Vin curiously asked.

"No, Vin. I pay you to do that, along with the cleaning and laundry." Scott explained.

"Oh....but I like doing that for you, Mr. Scott." Vin said seriously.

Scott laughed before saying, "I know you do. And I repay you by paying you a salary that you deserve very much."

Their joyful chat was disturbed by a soft tune.

"Sorry, I have to take this." Aldrich said as he look at his phone.

"Alright, but be back for dinner." Vin reminded.

"I will." Aldrich smile before going outside.

{Is this it? Will I finally complete a task?}

[There is a thirty percent chance that you will not.]

{Don't ruin this for me and show the monitoring.}

A screen appeared in front of Chaim, it showed Aldrich as he answered the call.

"Any news, Joaquin?"

Aldrich went silent as he listened to Joaquin's report.

"Good job. I'll take it from here. You can go to your vacation now."

Aldrich ended the call and went back inside the apartment.

{Well that was useless.}

[You connected the monitoring to Aldrich, so of course you can only see his side.]

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