Vin (13)

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"Please take a seat." Scott and Aldrich sat in front of the doctor's table while the doctor pulled Vin's other files from the file cabinet.

"I'm going to be honest. He's not looking great. After his first attack, his condition was still in the range of normality, but now? He had another attack within the same week of his last one. We did some tests and I'm very sorry to inform you that his condition is uncurable."

The two went silent.

"Before, he can take some medication to help with his condition. But now, no medication in existence can help. All we can do is give him some pain killers and vitamins to improve his constitution. And you need to make sure that he continues a healthy lifestyle to lessen the chances of a heart attack."

After a long pause, Scott asked a question.

"How-how long does he have?" He asked nervously. He didn't want to know the answer, but he needed to.

"Right now, we don't have an exact time. But if he has another attack, then it will be very risky. Let's just hope he doesn't. You can discharge him after twenty-four hours, we just need to observe him to see if he would have another attack or not."

After asking a few more questions,  the two thanked the doctor and went back to Vin's ward.

Before entering the ward, they had a talk outside.

"What do we do?" Scott asjed worriedly.

"We need someone with him every second, every day of the week to make sure that he doesn't do anything that can trigger his illness." Aldrich said.

"But we both have our own jobs. I can ask Vin to join me at the company but I doubt that he would like that."

"We can have a schedule...? That won't work. We can't force Vin to this. We need his opinion."

"What about Jeremiah? He can accompany Vin for the times that we can't. Plus, I saw that Vin really liked his company so Vin would be happy to spend time with him." Scott suggested.

"They're both barely an adult. What's stopping Jeremiah from bringing Vin to dangerous places? I'm not saying that he's irresponsible, but his emotions can get the best of him, have you seen him earlier? The kid's a mess." Aldrich countered.

"...supervised meetings? Come on, you can't take Vin's only friend away."

"What do you mean 'only friend'? What about us?"

Scott looked at Aldrich with his right eyebrow raised.

"Are you serious? We can be considered as his uncles for Pete's sake. Let the kid have a friend that's in his age. We can't even control Vin in the first place. He's already considered as an adult and we're not even his legal guardians. We can't dictate who he can and can't be friends with." Scott said seriously.

Aldrich sighed, he realized that what Scott said was the truth. They're just Vinvs friends who happens to be significantly older than him so they treat him as a responsibility, but Vin didn't even give them the responsibility to look out for him. They were the ones who chose to stay in his life.

"We can talk about this again later, with Vin. For now, let's just make sure he's fine."

The two went inside the room and saw that Vin was still unconscious.

Jeremiah stood up anxiously when he saw them.

"What happened? What did the doctor say? Is Vin gonna be alright?" He asked continuously.

"Calm down, boy. Let's take a seat first so we can talk properly." Scott said.

The three sat in front of each other. They were shrouded in silence. Scott and Aldrich didn't know what to say.

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