Vaughn (2)

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"Where will we go now, Nigel?" Vaughn asked Nigel as they walked through the forest.

"We can go anywhere you want, Young Master. We're free to explore the world, experience new things, and meet new people."

"I'll probably die before we can explore the whole world, but I like that idea." Vaughn replied as he kicked a rock and kept kicking it as they walked.

"Don't say that, Young Master. You will live." Nigel said seriously.

"Don't call me 'Young Master' anymore, Nigel. I'm hardly your master now. I can't even pay you. Just call me Vaughn. Speaking about not paying you, you know you can just leave me here and leave peacefully on your own. I don't want to be your burden. I don't want to hold you back."

Nigel stopped and faced Vaughn. He looked at him in the eyes.

"Vaughn, you will always be my master. I will be by your side. I did not leave the manor with you because I pity you or because the Duke told me to. I left with you because I wanted to. Plus, if I leave you here, you wouldn't survive a second without me. You'll probably be eaten by a cat or something." Nigel laughed and continued their walk.

"A cat?! Nigel, that is insulting! I would prefer to be eaten by a dragon than a cat. At least I'd die by the hands, in this case mouth, of something majestic and powerful." Vaughn argued as he followed behind Nigel.

"If you sa—"

"Well, well, well, look who we have here."

{Okay, that's definitely a villainous line. Do they have that line trademarked or something?}


The two looked at the new person. Nigel shielded Vaughn behind his back while Vaughn peeked from Nigel's shoulder.

"Who are you, and what do you want?" Nigel asked warily.

"What? Do you own this forest or something? Can't a handsome guy like me just go on a walk? Wow, people these days." The man said as he rolled his eyes at them.

"Well, you approached us first." Vaughn reasoned.

The man looked at Vaughn and laughed. He laughed so loud that the birds nearby flew away.

{He's definitely crazy.}

[You're going to be great together. He's narcissistic. You're narcissistic. He's crazy. You're crazy. What a perfect match.]

{How about no?]

"You have a point, little man. So, what's a noble like you doing out here?"

"That's none of your business. So I suggest you move along before things get ugly." Nigel threatened with a glare.

"Fine, fine. I mean no harm. I was just curious. Geez, you can't even make a joke these days." The man put his hands up in surrender while pouting.

"What's your name?" Vaughn asked.

[Are you stupid?]

{Don't question me.}

"We do not need that answered. Come on, Vaughn, we have to go." Nigel pulled Vaughn, but the man once again blocked their path.

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