Vaughn (8)

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Vaughn can't seem to just get a break. The last he remembered, he was facing a ghost knight in an abandoned temple in the middle of nowhere. Now he's being threatened by spears because his companions decided it was a great idea to just barge into a village unannounced.

Most of the time, Vaughn would be very understanding, especially since they were doing this for him. In fact, Lucian also informed him that one of his siblings was here. But why does he think that common sense isn't so common anymore? Who would go into a village, in the middle of a forest, looking like they're about to ransack the whole town?

He just gained consciousness about fifteen minutes ago, and he's now shackled, surrounded by armed villagers in front of the village chief's house. Now, Vaughn knows that his friends can easily get out of this situation, but before they could do anything reckless, he already glared at them, warning them not to do anything. He doesn't want to make the situation worse by being a bigger threat to these people.
{Do you sell any luck potions? Because I need them. Why am I always in these types of situations?!}

[I thought you like drama. You were complaining about boring worlds and boring missions, well now you're here. You don't run out anything to complain about, do you?]

{Shut up.}

"What brings you here to our village?" A man asked as he thrusted his spear closer to Vaughn.

"We were just passing by.  Also, we heard that  a former child of a duke resides here, so we—" As Lucian was speaking, someone came out of the chief's house.

"You alarmed our residents because of a simple rumor? What unbefitting behavior for a noble."

"Chief." All the villagers acknowledged the woman coming out of the house.

"I see that he's still not successful. You're the fifth one, right?" She said as she waved away the guards. They freed Vaughn and his companions before bowing and going away.

"Come." She went inside, clearly not waiting for them, so they immediately followed her.

"Do you know her?" Ignacius whispered to Vaughn.

"I don't think so. But she looks similar to the duke, so I think she's one of my siblings."

Actually, when the girl came out of the house, Chaim already received the notification that she's one of the duke's children.


While the others were hesitating, Lucian saunted over and sat on the couch without worry.

The others looked at him as if he had no head, but he just looked back with a raised brow.

"What? I don't want to stand there all day. We've been walking for so long, my legs are tired." After hearing that, the others cautiously went near him and sat beside him, but their bodies were tense compared to Lucian's relaxed state.

"Sorry for the wait. Here's some water."

"Th-thank you." Vaughn replied with shock. He didn't think that she would be so hospitable.

"No worries. It's just the bare minimum for my little brother."

Ignacius choked on the water and coughed harshly.

"W-what? Little brother?!"

"Yes. Is that not why you're here? I thought you're here to visit me. Vaughn, Nigel, nice to see you again."

"Nice to see you again, Ms. Valeria. How have you been?" Nigel said politely.

"No need to be so polite now, Nigel. Just call me Valeria, or Chief, if you want." She replied with a wink.

"Nice to meet you." Ignacius said while Lucian just nodded.

"Nice to meet Vaughn's friends. I'm Valeria, his third sibling. Enough pleasantries. Vaughn, where are you staying now? You can always settle down here."

"Thank you for offering, Sister Val, but we plan on visiting our other siblings. Do you know where they are now?" He asked hopefully.

"Not really. I lost contact with them when they got kicked out, too. But the last thing I heard is that our eldest brother became an adventurer of sorts. He got his own crew and all. But that was a few months ago. I don't know where he is now. About the others, I haven't heard anything from them."

"How about you? How come you're a chief of a village now?" Vaughn asked.

"Well, you know, got kicked out after our great father found out that I don't have an ounce of magic in me. After that, I just wandered around. Then I saved a few people, decided to settle down somewhere, and this little village just grew on its own. Anyway, what about you? I'm guessing you just got kicked out. I wonder what gender our next sibling is gonna be." She said nonchalantly.

"Yeah, he found out I have Aetherian Backlash, so..."

"Aetherian Backlash? That's worse than having nothing at all. Are you okay? Do you need to rest or anything?"

"No, I'm fine. But I don't want anyone else going through what we went through. If we report him to the King, do you think they'll stop him?"

Valeria sighed.

"We can try. But we need someone powerful on our side. He's a duke. We're just commoners now. And he's not really doing anything illegal, immoral, yes, but it's not illegal. He's not murdering any of us or anything, he's just kicking us out. If we report about that, it will just seem like we're bitter about his decision."

"Yeah, that's one problem."

Nigel patted his back to comfort him.

"Let's take it one step at a time, Vaughn."

"Nigel's right. This is the only time we can relax, so chill out. Let's enjoy this moment of peace." Igancous said.

"Your friends are right. Come, I'll lead you to your rooms. Have a rest, first. You've had a long day."


Vaughn (8)

I'm on vacation now, yay. But I still suck on updating often. I don't know where this is headed anymore. I also want longer chapters but I don't know what to add, so if you have any tips on that, please share them.

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening and goodnight.

Thanks for reading!


[Find all of Vaughn's older siblings: 1/4]

[Cure Vaughn's Aetherian Backlash: 0%]




Name: Chaim (Soul F-3765)

System Name: Syrio (System 2B18C)

Spirit Class: Class E+

Spirit Strength: 23%

Experience: 13%

Finished Worlds: 3

Energy Points: 435


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