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"Finally. It took you guys a long time to call me in. I was starting to think that you don't like me." A man walked leisurely into the room. He looked calm with his hands in his pockets and casual clothing.

"Took you long enough to figure that out." A man whispered under his breath.

The last man looked at him in warning before turning to their guest.

"We need your help. The first program failed. It got infected with a virus. This is our last chance now, and we need you to complete it."

"Really? Wow, Axl. Just wow. I remember you telling me, and I quote, that I was a 'good for nothing burden'. Did that slip your mind?" The man replied sarcastically.

"That has nothing to do with this. We called you to help us save him. Don't make me rethink this decision."

"Save him?" The man laughed. "You blamed me for his death, and I wasn't even there. Now you call me because it's convenient for you. Why don't you do it? It was your fault he's dead after all."

"Caspian, calm down." The other man approached him.

"Calm down? Seriously, Rhys? You want me to calm down? Both of you blame me for his death, because what? Because I wasn't there to protect him? The hell with that. I was his bodyguard for nearly a decade, and nothing happened to him when I was with him. The only day that I wasn't with him was the day he got killed. It wasn't my choice. Now you call me for my 'help', you call me as if none of that ever happened. Unbelievable." Caspian harshly wiped a stray tear that poured from his eyes.

He turned around and tried to leave, but he felt someone stop him.

"Do it for him, Cas. He didn't deserve to die." Axl said, almost pleadingly.

"He didn't, but he did. So get over it. He deserves some peace. You are treating him like some science project. He doesn't deserve this, Axl. Let him go....please." Caspian shook Axl's hand off of him and left.

Axl sighed and shook his head disappointedly.

"I'll do it, Axl. We don't need him. I promise I won't do anything without thinking about it first. Please, Axl. Give me a chance. He's running out of time."

Axl shook his head again and sat in front of the body.

"What if he's right, Rhys? We're treating Chaim like a science project. He deserves peace, doesn't he? What if we just...stop?" Axl asked weakly as he looked at Chaim's body floating in the liquid.

Rhys sat beside him.

"Do you remember when I first told Chaim about this project? He supported me and funded my experiments even if I fail every time. Then, I had my first success. He was there with me every step of the way. He told me that if he were to die, I could use his body to help with my experiments. And you know what I said?" Rhys looked at Chaim and back at Axl.

"I said no."

"Why?" Axl asked.

"The bodies I use for my experiments are people I found beforehand who were about to die. They wanted a purpose, even after death. Chaim wasn't one of those. He was full of life and full of purpose. I couldn't dishonor him by treating him like those people."

"Then why did you agree to this?"

"Because his life shouldn't end here. He was full of so many ideas. He wanted to change the world, and that bastard stopped him from doing it. He didn't deserve what he got. Yes, he deserves to rest in peace, but he deserves to live more."

Caspian walked out of the building and drove away.

"You weren't there to protect him! You were supposed to protect him! It was your fault he died! Get out of here! You don't deserve to see him!"

"Axl, please. Let me see him one last time, please."

"Leave, Caspian. Don't show yourself anywhere near here ever again, you good for nothing burden."

"Good for nothing, huh? They call me good for nothing but call me when they need someone to do their dirty work. How did I even endure working with them all those years?"

An image of his boss flashed through his mind.

"Right. Chaim. It's because of him. God, what are they doing to you, Chaim? I'm sorry, I can't get you out of there. I'm so sorry."

Caspian wiped his tears and drove faster.

Should I help them? Helping them means helping Chaim, but what they're doing isn't the solution.

He sighed and thought, Give me a sign ,please. Anything.

When Caspian arrived at his apartment, he immediately poured himself a drink.

He sat on his sofa and felt the burning liquid pasing through his throat.

He closed his eyes and sighed. When he opened them, he was greeted with a picture that is framed on the wall.

On that picture are four men, and let's just say he got the sign that he wanted.


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Hello, people. Enjoy ;)

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening and goodnight.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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