Arc 1: Vin (1)

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After being transported to his first world. Chaim was given the memories of the body he is occupying.

He is now a young man called Vin. Vin is an 18-year-old boy that suffers from a heart disease that prevents him from living past 20 years old. Vin surrendered his soul to the system as he was tired of his life but didn't have the courage to end it himself.

Vin was naturally a sweet child but was forced to grow up fast. His family was poor and because he was sick from birth, they always have to reluctantly spend money on him which made his parents hate him. When he reached 10, his parents made him work so he could return the money they spent on him.

His parents died when he was 14 because they offended the wrong person. Since then, Vin was left alone. With all that he has experienced, he was lucky his heart didn't just give up.

According to the memories, he was sent here to the hospital by someone because he fainted when he was walking home.

After analyzing the memories he received, Chaim went into the bathroom and looked at his reflection.

Vin has soft hazel-colored hair with big green eyes.

"I look cute." Chaim said while squishing his cheeks.

"Open the task panel."


[Beat fate and live past his expected death date: 0%]



"Why are two of my tasks locked?" Chaim returned to the bed and sat down.

{You will unlock the tasks once you have the right requirements to complete them.}

Chaim compared his situation to a video game, where you have to encounter certain people or places to unlock the tasks.

"Wait a I supposed to do all this labor for free?!" Chaim suddenly shouted after realizing something.

{Of course not, Chaim. Accomplishments shall be rewarded and failures shall be punished.}

After hearing 'rewards', Chaim became excited, completely ignoring the other half of the sentence.

"What rewards can I get?" Chaim said while almost bouncing on the spot.

{Rewards can be various things like personal items you owned when you were living, energy points, skill cards, prop cards, and many more. The system will give you a chance to choose between certain rewards after the completion of each world.}

"Alright. Now, I just have to think of a way to complete my first task."

Chaim was in deep thought after that.

First, he has to get rich. This is easy, seeing as he is a world-renowned genius.

{By the way, you cannot act differently from Vin's characteristics. He is a sweet and innocent boy, the system requires you to stay as such for the duration of your stay here.}

"I got it."

Sweet and innocent, huh. At least it's not something annoying like being a stuck-up brat.

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