Arc 4: Vaughn (1)

1.8K 85 7

[World Completed]

[Soul Transfer In Progress...]

[Transfer Complete]

[Tasks Loading...]

[Tasks Completed]

[Welcome back. May the stars be your guide.]

"That was so boring. I can't believe I spent decades in that world."

[You spent decades with Arzhel, and you didn't fall in love with him? Wow, I don't know if you're dedicated or you just don't have love bones in your body.]

"Why would I fall in love with someone who I know didn't love me for me? He loves Theron, not Chaim. I'm not stupid enough to fall for someone who loves the character I'm playing."

[But still, you spent years with him. You even got married.]

"If you keep talking about him, why don't you love him? Just give me my reward options."


[A. 350 Energy Points]

[B. Random Prop Card]

[C. Random Skill Card]

Chaim chose the points.

"The hypnotism skill is really cool, so I think I can save points now that I got that skill. Sy, show me my status."

[On it.]



Name: Chaim (Soul F-3765)

System Name: Syrio (System 2B18C)

Spirit Class: Class E+

Spirit Strength: 23%

Experience: 13%

Finished Worlds: 3

Energy Points: 435


"Let's go. I hope the next one isn't boring. You know what, scratch that. Every time I hope that a world isn't boring, it becomes one of the most boring experiences I have ever been on. So no, I hope the next world is boring."

[Using reverse psychology on yourself is not going to work.]

"Don't rain on my parade. Let's just go."

[World Search Commencing...]

[Search Complete]

[Soul Transfer In Progress...]

[Transfer Complete]

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