Vaughn (4)

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"Do you want me to carry him? You've been carrying Vaughn for two hours straight. You should relax your arms." Ignacius asked. He's been asking the stubborn man for the last thirty minutes, but as he said, he's a stubborn man.


"What if you drop him because your arms go numb? What if bandits fight us again, but you can't move your arms because you'be been carrying him for the last thirty minutes? What if..."

"Alright, that's enough. Here, you have him, if that'll make you shut up." Nigel said, annoyed.

"You know, I'm not an object you can both pass around." a voice said weakly.

They looked at the boy in Nigel's arms and saw that his eyes were now open.

"Vaughn! Are you thirsty? Do you need something to eat?"

"I need to be put down, please." Nigel put him down slowly and stabilized him when he started to fall because of the weakening in his legs.

"Careful. You should sit down for a bit." He guided Vaughn to a tree stump that was to their side.

"Fine. But where are we going anyway?" Vaughn asked as he drank the water Nigel passed to him.

"Oh, we're going to my Mom. She knows how to cure you." Ignacius replied.


"Oh? Are you not excited?! You're gonna get cured!."

"I don't want to get my hopes up. I've learned that the fewer expectations you have, the less disappointment you'll receive."

"Don't worry. My mom's the real deal. If she can't cure you, I'll personally remove my core and give it to you. That's a promise." Ignacius said with conviction in his voice.

Vaughn wasn't convinced, but he wasn't gonna fight him any further.

"Whatever you say. We don't have a destination to go to, so it's fine as long as Nigel agrees."

"Don't worry. He already said yes. That's why he was carrying you earlier. This is going to be so much fun. We're all going on an adventure together. We can camp outside, hunt our own food, see new sceneries, this is going to be amazing." Ignacius kept rambling about what he wanted them to do.

"Uhmm...can...can I make a request?"

"Sure, Vaughn." Nigel answered. Ignacius was still daydreaming.

"I want to find my other siblings. I always believed that they died on a mission or something, and now I have hope that they were only thrown out." He explained.

"Of course, we can help you find them. Do you have any idea where they might be?" Igancius asked. He was finally done imagining things they could do.

"That's the problem. I don't know where they could be."

"We'll cross that bridge when we get there."

'We're already at the bridge...'

Nigel sighed and rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"How far is your mother's place?"

"Oh, we have to cross at least four kingdoms to get to her."

{Four? Is that not the exact same amount as the lost siblings? Wow, they're really making this easy for me.}

[I can't believe you're this lucky.]

{Luck is also a skill.}

"Three kingdoms?! You expect us to travel that far? Are you insane?!" Nigel shouted.

If it was just the two of them, it'll be fine, but Vaughn was with them, and he might not take all that stress and exhaustion.

"Nigel... I know what you're thinking. Don't worry. I'll be fine. I solemnly swear that I will find my siblings, cure this illness, and live for decades. I'll show that father of mine who he threw away. I'll make him regret." Vaughn clenched the cup tightly. He seriously looked at Nigel and Ignacius as he said those words.

"And we'll be by your side when you do all that. We promise." Nigel replied.

"Now that that's out of the way, let's go! I remember a town just outside this forest, we can stay there for the day."

Ignacius led the way while Nigel stayed back with Vaughn.

"Are you really okay? We can always stop for a bit if you need more rest."

"Nigel, I'm fine. I'm tougher than I look. Actually, you should worry about him. He just tripped over nothing."

They both looked towards Ignacius, who was lying face first onto the dirt.

He immediately got up and dusted himself.

"All good! A little bit of dirt won't kill anyone." He said, then continued walking.

"He's going to be hard to get rid of." Nigel commented.

Vaughn slightly hit him on his arm and scolded him.

"Nigel! Don't say stuff like that. He's helping us a lot."

"I know, I know."


Vaughn (3)

I'm so sorry for taking so long. It's just that when I took a break last December, I stopped writing, and when I tried to write again, I got nothing. So I'm so sorry for taking so long.

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening and goodnight.

Thanks for reading!


[Find all of Vaughn's older siblings: 0/4]

[Cure Vaughn's Aetherian Backlash: 0%]




Name: Chaim (Soul F-3765)

System Name: Syrio (System 2B18C)

Spirit Class: Class E+

Spirit Strength: 23%

Experience: 13%

Finished Worlds: 3

Energy Points: 435


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