Arc 2: Ezekiel (1)

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Chaim went back to bed and scanned the memories briefly.

He is now occupying Ezekiel's body. Ezekiel is a highschool student. He has a rich family and does great at school.

'I'm rich! Yes!'

He has a brother that is ten years older than him so they aren't that close. His parents run a huge company so they don't have much time for him. The maids are the only companions he has growing up.

He has been having a couple of headaches the past week so he visited the hospital, and the doctor diagnosed him with a brain tumor. They explained to him that it grew quite deeply inside his brain and it cannot be removed without damaging the surrounding tissues around it.

He didn't tell his family about it and just kept it to himself.

{Open the task panel.}


[Get close to big brother.]

[Spend the rest of my life span with my family.]


{Pretty easy. Just a couple of pity points and these tasks are done. But was it confirmed that he's going to die?}

[No, the doctor didn't say anything. But since he has a tumor, he just assumed he won't live long.]

{So I have to stay here and wait for the body to die naturally?}


{What if I get murdered? Is that allowed?}

[As long as it is accidental and not planned by you.]

{I don't want to stay here for years! That's boring!}

[That's not my problem now, is it?]

{I hate you.}

After further examining Ezekiel's memories, he found out that it was the boy's birthday yesterday. He gave a day off to all employees, cooked up a feast and waited for his family until midnight.

But no one came.

"This is the perfect opportunity!"

{Open the 'Trade'.}

Once the 'Trade' function was opened, Chaim searched for an illness pill.

{I don't want to scroll through all of these. Sy, find me a pill that makes me look sick outside but doesn't affect me at all.}

[You could've just used the filtering function.]

{I like making you work.}

After a few seconds, one pill was left in front of Chaim.

[The 'Oh no, I'm sick' Pill]

[Allows the user to look sick when they aren't.]

[Buy: 5 EP]

{This hurts my soul, but buy it.}

A pill appeared on Chaim's hand. He went to the bathroom and swallowed the pill. The changes happened in an instant.

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