Ezekiel (2)

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"We have to make it up to him," Elijah said to his parents.

His parents looked at each other with hesitation.

"The company has a huge project that we just signed. We need to supervise the whole project. This is what the company needs to push it to greater heights." His dad said.

"Dad! We missed Ezekiel's birthday, and you're still thinking about that company?! What is wrong with you?!" Elijah shouted. He looked at his father in disappointment.


"Don't try to reason with me, Mom. He's your youngest child, and you're not even going to spare one day just to celebrate the day of his birth?"

"But the project..."

"The company will not fall if you miss one day of work. One day!"

Elijah's parents looked down in shame, Elijah gave them one last look before turning around to go to Ezekiel's room.

When he faced the stairs, he saw Ezekiel holding back his tears while staring at their parents.


He turned around and ran to his room. Everybody heard his door slam.


Elijah followed him and knocked on the door continuously.

"Z... let me in, please. Talk to me."

"Go away! Go back to that company of yours. Leave me alone! Just like always." Ezekiel said with a nasal voice.

"Ezekiel, please."

"I said go away!"

Elijah went silent and sat in front of Ezekiel's door.

"I'll be here if you need me."

Inside the room, Chaim is lying on the bed, playing with Ezekiel's phone. He was texting with Ryden to earn some pity points.

Ryden: When you feel better, we can go to the amusement park if you want.
11:34 AM

Ezekiel: I'd love to. At least you remembered my birthday, Ry.
11:34 AM

Ryden: Always, Z. You can always rely on me.
11:35 AM

Chaim went to the bathroom to look at his face. He grabbed some soap and made his hands bubbly

'This is gonna hurt.'

He gently put a little bit of soap in his eyes to make them red. He immediately washed his eyes with water when he felt the sting.

[Are you a masochist?]

{I want to look like I cried.}

[Just cry for real then. Put your finger in your mouth to trigger your gag reflex, that'll make you shed tears.}

{Eh. What's done is done.}

After that, he opened the door to his bedroom. He saw Elijah on the side, sitting against the wall.

Once he saw Ezekiel open the door, Elijah immediately stood up. Ezekiel didn't talk and just left the door open. Elijah followed him inside.

He saw how Ezekiel's eyes were red, and he felt so much guilt and sadness for his little brother.

"Z, I'm so, so, sor—"

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