Ezekiel (6)

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Ever since the incident, Ezekiel has been treated like he was physically disabled. Someone was always beside him, and no one would let him do any laborious activities. Currently, Ryden is the one with him.

{Does this complete my missions? I'm close with my brother, Kithe is on friendly terms with Ezekiel again and I'll probably spend the rest of my life here with them by the looks of it.  Unless....}

[You can not kill yourself by any means. The task states that you have to spend Ezekiel's whole life span here.]

{What if its an accident? No one can control the fate of the world.}

[Just don't go crossing roads when the cars are moving. Don't bump your head 'accidentally'. Don't stage an accident just so you can leave this world.]

{Kill joy. Show me the tasks.}



[Spend the rest of my life span with my family.]


{I seriously don't want to spend decades here. That's so boring. This world has no drama.}

[Just don't perform any self-harming actions. Treat this as a vacation. Once you gain more experience, the worlds will get harder.]

{How am I gaining experience by lazing around? They don't even let me stand up for 10 minutes! Its like I'm made of paper.}

[That's because the worlds you are currently going to are for beginners. Once you are judged to be capable, then you will be given more challenging tasks.]

{I wish I'll get a harder task after this.}

"Good morning, Ezekiel and Ryden." Said the doctor who is incharge with Ezekiel.

"Good morning, Doc."

"I have spoken to your previous doctor, and he was also shocked by your recent results. He gave all your files to me. Now, I have confirmed that you are able to get surgery to remove the tumor. If you agree, I can schedule your surgery some time this week."

"Thank you, doctor. I definitely agree to get surgery! Did you hear that, Ryden? I can get better!" Ryden approached Ezekiel and hugged him.

"I'm happy for you, Z. I'm sure everyone else will be glad to hear this news."

"I'll leave you for now. I will come back when I get a specific date and time for your operation."

When the doctor left, Ezekiel contacted his family to tell them the good news.

A few moments later, Kithe arrived followed by Ezekiel's brother and parents.

Kithe immediately ran to Ezekiel and hugged him.

"This is great news, Ezekiel! Just tell me the date and I will be there for you."

"Don't be too excited, Kithe. The doctor is still finalizing everything. He said he will come back when there's a specific date."

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