Vaughn (3)

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"Hide behind that tree, Vaughn. We'll take care of this." Nigel said as he pushed Vaughn behind a tree while Ignacius tried to hold back the bandits.

"B-but Nigel..."

"No buts, Vaughn. Now stay there and be quiet."

Nigel immediately ran back to Ignacius and helped him fend off the bandits.

{I want to fight.}

[Do you even know how to fight?]

{No, but I can learn. How hard can it be? They're just waving around sharp steel, hoping to hit the enemy.]

[That's just...that's just wrong.]

Nigel blocked a bandit's mace that was about to hit Ignacius while the said man used the magic he was boasting about to hit the bandit back.

{It took two of them to knock out one bandit? That's not efficient.}

[Stop complaining. You're just sitting there looking pretty. You're not even breaking a sweat.]

{You think I'm pretty? Aww, thank you.}

[What the...]

While Vaughn was busy criticizing how Nigel and Ignacius fought, the two are now back-to-back while being surrounded by the remaining bandits.

"Just give up now, boys. You'll fetch a high price at the slave market, especially that pretty boy you hid behind the tree." The leader said.

{Huh, they're not stupid.}

[What makes you think they're stupid?]

{I don't know...books?}

[They survived for a long time while not being caught by the knights. They're not going to be stupid.]

{I know that now.}

"Well, well, well. Look who we have here."

{They definitely have that trademarked.}

[Just survive.]

A lanky looking man with a surprisingly complete set of teeth-albeit yellow-for a bandit.

{Look, his teeth aren't missing.}

[What books were you reading?]

{'The History of Bandits: An Autobiography by J.J'. It was a pretty good book.}

[Where in the world are you finding these books? Anyway, focus on not getting killed by that dude.]

"What's a pretty little boy like you doing hiding in here? Come with me, boy. I don't bite."

"No, thank you. I would rather not get lice by getting close to you." Vaughn replied while slowly backing away from the man.

"I don't have lice! I don't even have hair! You know what, the slave market accepts dead bodies. The pay might be lesser, but it's still a hefty sum."

The man's hands glowed a light brown shade, forming a sort of oddly-shaped ball in the middle.

{I should just let the magic hit me. I won't even get affected.}

[Suit yourself.]

"I won't do that if I were you." Vaughn taunted. He looked towards Nigel and Ignacius, who were both busy fighting.

"Oh, really? Nobody will save you, kid. So I suggest just shutting up and die."

The man released the ball of energy towards Vaughn. It moved fast, but Vaughn just stood there staring at the man's eyes, unfazed. The man felt usettled by the gaze, but his confidence came back when the ball hit Vaughn.

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