Ezekiel (5)

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Once the call connected, Kithe didn't give Elijah a chance to say something before he hurriedly delivered the news to him.

"Elijah, meet us at the hospital. Ezekiel fainted."

There was a faint rustle at the other end before Elijah's voice was heard.

"What?! He fainted again?!"

"What do you mean again?" Kithe asked.

"I'm driving to the hospital, Elijah. I'm guessing its time you know the truth."

"I'll be there along with our parents."

After a few more words, Kithe ended the call as they arribed at the hospital.

He immediately carried Ezekiel in while Ryden parked the car.

He laid Ezekiel down in one of the beds as a nurse and a doctor approached them.

The nurse checked Ezekiel's vitals while the doctor asked Kithe some questions.

"What happened?"

"We were stuck inside the storage room in our school and when we were talking, he just clutched his head in pain and he started getting paler. He fainted soon after. Will he be alright?" Kithe said. He was visibly worried about Ezekiel and he couldn't stay still.

"Nurse Kay, get a CT scan and bring it to me immediately.

Elijah had just received a call from Kithe, his brother Ezekiel's friend, asking him to come to the hospital. When he arrived with their parents, he found Ezekiel lying unconscious in a hospital bed with a monitor beeping in the background. Kithe and Ryden were standing beside the bed, their faces etched with worry.

"What happened to my brother?" Elijah asked, his voice shaking.

The doctor, who had just entered the room, introduced himself and began to explain the situation. "We ran some tests on your brother, and unfortunately, we found a tumor in his brain," the doctor said, his tone serious.

Elijah felt like his world was collapsing. His brother, was lying there, unconscious and now with a tumor. Tears welled up in his eyes as he looked at his parents and saw the same grief reflected in their faces.

"What do we do now?" Elijah asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Well, first, we need to wait for Ezekiel to wake up so we can discuss the treatment options with him," the doctor replied.

Elijah nodded, feeling helpless and lost. He looked at his brother's still form on the bed and wondered how this could have happened. He felt a hand on his shoulder, and he turned to see his father, giving him a sympathetic look.

"We'll get through this, Elijah," he said, trying to reassure him.

Elijah appreciated the sentiment but didn't know how they would manage.

As they waited for Ezekiel to wake up, Elijah tried to come to terms with the situation. He knew there would be difficult times ahead, but he also knew that they had to stay strong for his brother. He took a deep breath, feeling a glimmer of hope flicker in his heart. They would get through this, together.

Over the next few hours, the family sat in the hospital room waiting for Ezekiel to wake up. It was a strange and surreal experience for Elijah. On one hand, he was consumed by worry and fear for his brother's health, and on the other, he was trying to maintain a sense of normalcy for his family. They chatted quietly, made small talk, and joked around, but their minds were never far from Ezekiel's condition.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Ezekiel began to stir. His eyes fluttered open, and he looked around, disoriented. When he saw his family and friends gathered around him, a small smile appeared on his face.

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