Vin (10)

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"Joaquin, I need you to investigate something for me." Aldrcih said as soon as he got into his office.

"You pushed your work to me this morning and now you're giving me more work? I need a raise." Joaquin complained.

"I'll give you a paid vacation for a week as long as you finish this investigation."

"Deal. What am I investigating?" He got his notebook out and got ready to take notes.

"You remember the bartender from the bar I passed out from?"

"Yeah. Vin, right?"

"Long story short, he found a picture with our families together but I don't remember any of that happening. I need you to investigate what happened."

Joaquin gave Aldrich the 'seriously' look.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Dude. What do you think I am? A sorcerer? I can't look through amagic bowl of water that shows the past. Give me something to work on. An address, a family friend, old neighbors, anyone who knew Vin's or your family for more than ten years."

Aldrich thought for a while when a name popped up in his mind.

"My Dad had this old doctor friend that used to work for the same hospital he worked at. They were pretty close and I used to play with the guy when he visited our house. His name is Gerald Borne. I don't know where he lives currently."

"Then I'll start with that. I'll immediately tell you anything that I find."

When Joaquin left, Aldrich did his own thing at his side. He started by transferring money to Joaquin's account, or else he might quit investigating midway. Also, if he doesn't pay first, who knows how much he'll rip him off for 'gas' and 'food'.

[He's investigating.]

{How long do you think it'll take?}

[I don't know. You only got approved for surveillance, not looking into the future.]

{Yeah. At least the surveillance can last until the end of my missions. I thought I can only use it once. But you can look in the future?}

[Only under special circumstances. ]

"Vin! Dinner's ready!"

Hearing Scott's call. Chaim went out of his room to help set up the table.

"So, how are you feeling?"

Chaim rolled his eyes which looked cute to Scott.

"You asked that question for about a hundred times since we got here, Mr. Scott. I'm really fine."

"I just wanted to make sure. I never saw you be like that before so I was worried. I'm glad you're alright now."

"Thanks, Mr. Scott. If it weren't for you and Mr. Aldrich, then I don't know where I would be now."

"We'll always be here, Vin. Always."

Chaim is walking around the city. It was shocking how he got permission from Scott to do so. But remembering how he did, Chaim's face scrunched up in embarrassment. He can't believe he had to beg and act cute for an hour just to step out the door.

He's about to turn around the corner when he heard a noticeable sound that made him excited, and the most awaited screen popped up in front of him.

[Third Task Unlocked]

[View]          [Exit]

He eagerly pressed view but his enthusiasm went away when he read the task.

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