Vin (16)

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"Why did you take Vin to a crazy old man's house?"

"He's my Dad."

"He was supposed to be a family friend."

"And?!" Aldrich and Jeremiah kept their heads down as Scott scolded them.

It's been a few hours since Vin got out of the hospital. He's should be in bed rest, but in reality, he's just eavesdropping on the little sermon that's happening in the living room.

{Now I know that I can't ruffle the feathers of this chicken.}

[I think ruffling feathers is your hobby.]

{Shut up. I need to talk to Aldrich. I want that task completed. }

[Then just go down there. Pretend you're hungry or something.]

{Are you crazy?! You want me to walk in the middle of that battle? Honey, that is not my battle to fight.}

[Then don't complain. Just wait for him to come to you.]

Chaim heard footsteps outside his door, he immediately laid down in bed and pretended to be asleep.

He heard the door open and some whispering before the door closes again.

Chaim felt someone sitting behind him, the person touched his head and played with his hair.


It was Aldrich.

"I know this isn't the right time to tell you this since you're asleep, but I don't have the courage to say this to to you when you're awake."

Aldrich's voice was a little down.

'Finally, the moment of truth.'

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. From your parents, from my Dad and from me."

{This is some juicy family drama. Should I be listening to this?}

[If you want to finish the task then listen.]

"We were supposed to be brothers, but jealousy ate me. Then I made the most stupidest decision of my life. If only I accepted you then, we would've grew up together."

'I still don't know what's going on.'

"But I guess this is better. You didn't get to experience being a test subject of my Dad's treatments. You stayed like the lovely boy I remembered you were. But I still regret giving up the chance to become your big brother just because of my lousy jealousy."

Aldrich left after a few more minutes of him staring at Vin.

Chaim got up and looked at the closed door with a puzzled expression.

{Why...why didn't the task become completed?!}

[Do you know your relationship with him?]

{Yeah.....kind of? Well, based on my understanding, his Dad was supposed to adopt Vin from his parents. I'd barely call it adopting, more like buying but whatever. Then, I suppose Aldrich was jealous, he did something to prevent his Dad from 'adopting' Vin. I think he did something right based on the fact that Vin didn't become a test subject of his sorry excuse of a father. What kind of therapist even experiments on children?}

After explaining his views to his system, Chaim heard the sound he was always waiting for. He hurriedly opened his panel and was ecstatic by the sight that he saw.

[Task Complete]


[Beat fate and live past his expected death date: 66.6%]

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