Vin (7)

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It was a brand new day. Chaim already resigned from Vin's day jobs and now, he is here at the park where his target, Aldrich Quen, spends his free time the most.

Just getting this small piece of information was a very tedious process, so he hopes that his plan would go well. He doesn't want to deal with paperwork again with his partner just to get approval for surveillance.

His plan only consists of one part: fainting in front of Aldrich Quen.

He actually got this idea from how he, or rather Vin, met Scott. Vin fainted in front of Scott and now he's living a luxurious life with Scott being his sugar d–benefactor, his benefactor.

On how he's going to achieve that is up to his partner, System 2B18C, which he decided to call Sy (pronounced as Sai) for short because he doesn't want to remember all those letters and numbers just to call his partner's name.

Basically, he would pretend to faint but to the people around him, it would look like he really fainted because Sy would manipulate some factors to make his fainting believable, and this is also one more reason why the paperwork took so long to do. Apparently, manipulating something requires fifty signatures and a hundred terms and conditions that he didn't bother to even glance at.

He wanted to start this operation a few days ago but who knew paperwork could take so long. He always gets Axy to do these type of work for him. All he has to do is sign them, the boring part is Axel's job.

Once Chaim spotted Aldrich stepping out of his car, he got ready.

'It's show time.'

Chaim waited for Aldrich to get a little bit closer before he walked in front of him while holding his forehead and swaying a little bit.

Aldrich recognized the young man as the bartender from the bar. Although they only met twice and the first time was when he was drunk, he couldn't be mistaken.

"Vin." He called him, but it seemed that Vin didn't hear him so he said his name louder.

As Aldrich was approaching Vin, he was shocked when Vin suddenly fell down.

Aldrich immediately approached Vin and tried to shake him awake, but of course, it didn't work.

{Seems like it's working.}

[For a man you only met twice, he seems so worried about you.]

{I don't know what attachment problems the people of this world have but it's working in my favor. Even Scott who I only met once, took me in.}

As Chaim and Sy continued their conversation, Aldrich was now driving Vin's unconscious body to the hospital.

He arrived at the hospital where Chaim was admitted a few days ago. Coincidence? I think not.

"How are you related to the patient?" The doctor asked while examining Vin.

"We only met twice. I just saw him faint in the park and I immediately brought him here." Aldrich explained.

"Oh no, that's Vin." One of the nurses said.

"Do you know him, Nurse Jackie?"

"I was in charge of him when he got admitted here for a heart attack just a few days ago. Should I call his cardiologist?" Nurse Jackie asked, clearly concerned for the boy.

"That would be best. Thank you."

The nurse went to the nurse's desk and used the intercom.

"Dr. Krowl please head to bed 3. I repeat, Dr. Krowl please head to bed 3 immediately."

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