Vin (4)

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[Second Task Unlocked]

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Chaim looked at the man more thoroughly and noticed some things that he wouldn't have noticed if that notification hadn't appeared. The man looked eerily familiar, so familiar that it was almost creepy, but Chaim was sure he has never seen the man before. Especially when it's only his first day in this world. It's impossible to meet someone familiar with his case. Was it Vin's body sensing the recognition? But no one in the memories seems to remind him of this man.

Chaim put away his thoughts first and focused on the current situation.

He was just gonna refuse the man and send him home but now that this man is probably part of his second task, he can't let the man leave. So he did an irresponsible action that a bartender shouldn't and can't do, giving more alcohol to a clearly wasted man.

Because he still has a tiny bit of common sense left, he served the man a cup with water and a few drops of whiskey for the flavor.

The man downed the cup in one go and asked for more. So Chaim obliged. He was gonna make the man stay for the rest of his shift so he can figure out where the man lives and make a chance encounter with him. After that, he has to do some white lotus and green tea action in there, and the next thing you know, the task is complete.

Although...he hasn't looked at what the mission is yet. So, Chaim turned around and pressed 'View' discreetly.


[Beat fate and live past his expected death date: 0%]

[Find out the relationship of (???) and Vin: 0%] (NEW)


Great! The task didn't even provide the name of the man. If only he could hack into this life, this task will be completed right at this moment.

Nearing the end of his shift, the man fell asleep, but he did remember to pay, which was quite responsible for being drunk.

Chaim was finishing up. He was wiping the cups and cleaning the counter. After his duties were done, he said goodbye to his co-workers and manager. His manager tried to call a taxi for the man but Chaim insisted that he should do it since he did serve a somewhat alcoholic beverage to a drunk man.

When he went out of the club, he laid the man on the sidewalk and patted him down. He could've done this inside, but Chaim likes putting people in minor inconveniences, Axel can attest to that.

He was searching for some kind of identity card. Once he found the man's driver's license inside his wallet, he first looked at the man's name.

Aldrich Quen

The name sounds fancy, so Chaim assumed that the man was rich.

Chaim received a notification and he knows that it was his task being updated, since he now knows the name of the man. He also got a business card from the wallet and he saved it for later plans. Being satisfied with the information he got, he grabbed Aldrich's phone and dialed the contact that was named 'Secretary'.

The man is rich. Chaim confirmed his guess. Since in his mind, only rich people would have secretaries.

Although, for a rich man like Aldrich, he really didn't bother setting up a password for his phone. Not even a fingerprint or face id. That's just plain stupid.

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