Vin (8)

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As Vin was exiting the hospital, he was accompanied by two men.

"I think this happened before but I don't know when~" Scott teasingly said to Vin.

Vin blushed and glared at the man but all he got was a laugh as a reply. He pouted and went closer to Aldrich, who then took advantage of his height and used Vin's head as a resting place for his arm.

"I really hate you both." Vin said as he shook away Aldrich's arm.

The two men laughed and went to the parking lot. As Aldrich was about to go inside his car, Vin grabbed his arm and stopped him. 

"Umm, can-can I treat you to a meal? To make up for the trouble I caused. If that's alright with you, of course." Vin said with his head down. But Aldrich and Scott could see the tip of his ears turning red, which caused the both of them to smile.

"I would love to." Aldrich gently said. "I'm quite busy during weekdays, so how about Sunday?" 

"Sure! See you on Sunday then." Vin waved to Aldrich until he can't see Aldrich's car anymore.

"Ready to go, Vin?" Scott asked as he opened the car door for Vin.

"Yup!" Vin boarded the car and left the hospital parking lot for the third time during his stay in this world.

When they were on the road, Scott turned to a different road.

"Wanna go somewhere, Vin?" Scott asked.

'I can't really refuse now, can I? He already turned the car, and he's the one driving, who am I to say no? Plus, I'm bored. The missions take time to complete and I don't get to take revenge on anyone!'

"Um, sure. Where are we going?" He asked curiously.

"It's a surprise. You can sleep for now. It will take a while for us to get there."

Chaim already slept in the hospital earlier but because Scott said so, he can pretend to sleep for him.

After a few minutes with his eyes closed, Chaim started to feel bored.

{Sy, entertain me.}

[I'm not a clown.]

{But I'm bored!}

[Deal with it.}

{I hate you.}

[You don't]

{...I don't}

Chaim went back to staring at his eyelids. After what felt like an eternity, Scott finally woke him up.

He pretended to wake up and yawned. He rubbed his eyes and looked at Scott with squinted eyes.

"Are we here?" Chaim asked with a hoarse voice.

"Yes. Come out when you're ready." Scott gave him a bottle of water and got out of the car first.

Chaim drank some water and came out of the car. What greeted him was trees. They were in the middle of a clearing and around them was trees of different sizes.

He was amazed. He never saw anything like this before.

"I found on the internet that fresh air and being surrounded by nature is very beneficial to patients with a heart condition like you." Scott explained.

Chaim couldn't help but be touched. The man wasted time just to search information about his condition. He doesn't get why the man would put so much importance to him even though they are basically strangers.

"Thank you, Mr. Scott. Thank you for everything." Chaim sincerely said with a smile.

Scott was blinded by his bright smile and his brain stopped working for a moment. When he snapped back to reality, he also smiled at Vin.

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