Vaughn (7)

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"This is just stupid."

Vaughn, Nigel, and Ignacius trudged through the dense forest,

"We heard that from you at least 47 times now, Ignacius. We're on our way to Lucian's body now. If you want, you can sit this out, but you will not stop me.

Ignacous sighed. He knows he can't stop Vaughn. Despite how he is, the kid's got strong determination.

"Fine, but don't make me say I didn't warn you if things go south."

As they neared the abandoned temple where Lucian sensed his body, a chill swept through the air, sending shivers down their spines.

"Stay close, Vaughn," Nigel's voice urged, a sense of urgency in his tone.

Suddenly, ghostly figures materialized before them, their ghastly forms swirling with dark energy.


Nigel and Ignacius sprung into action, their weapons drawn as they faced the creatures.

"This should be the time where I say I told you so, but I think I'll save it for later." Ignacius commented as he strikes down one shadowbane.

"You won't be able to say it if you die." Nigel replied as he pulled Ignacius away from the resurrected shadowbane.

"They just keep coming back." Ignacius complained.

"They're already dead. What do you expect? We just have to hold them long enough. Vaughn, go inside! We'll hold them off."

Vaughn hesitated. He was hiding behind some concrete debris around the temple. He knows he's useless in fights, and he would just get in their way if he tried to help.


"Vaughn, head inside the temple. The sooner we find my body, the sooner these shadowbanes will go. They're here because of the strong energy eminating from my body." Lucian's voice echoed in Vaughn's mind amidst the chaos of battle.

"Take care, please."

Reluctantly, Vaughn ran away from the fight and entered the decrepit temple, his heart pounding with nervousness. But inside, he encountered a formidable foe—a ghostly knight, guarding Lucian's body with spectral armor and a menacing glare.

"Well, would you look at that. He's still here." Lucian stated, sounding amused.

"You know it?"

"He, not it, was a friend. He swore to protect me, and I guess he kept his promise until death. Let me take over, I have to let him go."

Vaughn let Lucian take over. He dodged and weaved, his senses on high alert as he sought to evade the knight's relentless attacks.

"You can relax now, my friend. Think of all that we have been through. Thank you for staying."

Lucian used his energy and made it so that it surrounded the knight.


There was a bright glow eminating from the knight, but not too harsh. It was still bearable for Lucian and Vaughn to see the knight disintegrating, but before he was completely gone, he gave a short bow, and Lucian bowed back.

After that, Lucian approached a coffin-like bed in the back of the room. On the bed was a man, and it was safe to assume that it was Lucian, Lucian's body at least.

"Are you ready?" Vaughn asked softly.

Lucian took a deep breath.

"As ready as I can be."

Lucian, in Vaughn's body, touched his original body's head and concentrated. He can feel himself slowly getting absorbed back into his body.

And in a blink of an eye, Lucian opened his eyes. At the same time, Vaughn fainted. Luckily, Lucian reacted quickly and caught him.

"Oh, I think I pulled a muscle. It was a bad idea moving that fast." He complained.

Despite his grumbling, Lucian carried Vaughn outside. He saw Nigel and Ignacius panting while sitting on the ground.

When the two heard footsteps, they looked up and saw a stranger carrying Vaughn. They immediately became on guard and raised their weapons.

"Release him this instant." Nigel threatened.

"With everything we've been through, you'd think that you'll remember me. I'm hurt." Lucian replied while carefully laying Chaim down and sitting beside him.


The shock on Nigel and Ignacius's faces was palpable as they processed the sight before them. Lucian, no longer a mere soul in Vaughn's mind but standing before them in the flesh, sparked a mixture of confusion and disbelief.

"That's you? And what happened to Vaughn?"

The two approached Vaughn and examined his body.

"He's just exhausted. Now that I'm out of his body, his sickness will be back. I'm indebted to him, and I will pay that debt by helping him in any way I can. I'll help him find his siblings and cure his illness."

With that, Lucian gently lifted Vaughn into his arms. Nigel and Ignacius watched in silence as Lucian carried Vaughn away from the abandoned temple.

"There's a small town just east of this place. And now that I'm in my body, I can actually use my powers to the fullest, and I can sense a person with similar energy to Vaughn in that town. It could be one of his siblings."

"That's great. Vaughn would be happy when he finds out. But for now, he needs to rest." Nigel said.

They continued to walk in silence through the forest. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence. In fact, it was somehow.....comforting.


Vaughn (7)

I'm sorry it took so long. I just couldn't write something. I don't know why, but I'm really sorry. Still, thank you for all the support and thank you for waiting patiently for updates. I'm really grateful.

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening and goodnight.

Thanks for reading!


[Find all of Vaughn's older siblings: 0/4]

[Cure Vaughn's Aetherian Backlash: 0%]




Name: Chaim (Soul F-3765)

System Name: Syrio (System 2B18C)

Spirit Class: Class E+

Spirit Strength: 23%

Experience: 13%

Finished Worlds: 3

Energy Points: 435


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