Chapter 1: Grace

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: I seem to be getting a lot of comments about spelling errors and I can't tell you enough how much these annoy me lol. I have posted on my profile that my work is UNEDITED. I am so sorry folks but that indeed means it is, you guessed it UNEDITED. For you all to be getting the content you want as fast as you want, I'm sorry, there will be errors. I have been fixing some, but from here on, every comment correcting my work will be ignored. Please enjoy my book, I hope you come back to enjoy more. 


My head hurts, I need to open my eyes, I try to open my eyes but there is a bright light above me I squint closing them again. I look down and open them once more and the fuzziness slowly goes away. I can't move, I'm cold, I'm strapped down. My whole body is shaking, what happened? I'm on a cold table? But I'm tilted to where my feet are toward the floor, I think I'm naked. There is a brown thick strap covering my breasts and another over my vagina. The walls looked like metal, maybe steel? I don't see a door. 

"Hmm..." I hum trying to see how my throat feels, its dry. I looked up ahead of me. "Oh my God." There is a little boy tied to a table in front of me, he can't be older than 12, wearing pajamas. A loud slam makes me startle.

"Glad to see you're awake." And that voice makes everything come back in shades, Blake he came back he found me, he took me off my front porch. My baby was home did he find him? I really hope he is okay.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked my voice at a whisper, I tried jerking away when I felt a finger tracing my thigh.

"Come on, honey, they were hurting you." He said the deep creepy edge to his voice making me shiver.

"What the fuck are you on about?" I said looking at him careful to keep my gaze away from the light. I felt a stab of pain across my cheek. "Ugh!" I said quick to grit my teeth he would get off on any noise I make.

"Hey! Stop you said you wouldn't touch her!" I heard someone say and I heard a scuffle and I saw someone pulling Blake out of the room. I could only make out their hair color, black, hoodie and jeans.

"Where am I?" I heard a meek timid voice chime in when I heard the door shut. The little boy was waking up in front of me, he looked at me with such terror in his gaze.

"Hey, angel. What's your name? Ignore how I look." I asked him trying my best to keep a little smile on my face.

"Jackson Jared- I don't know my last name I don't have one yet." He trailed off.

"My name is Grace. What do you mean by you don't have a last name sweetie?" I asked and a look into a corner spotting a camera it was turned on and a monitor with a stream on it, it was us. I looked into the camera and nodded, it would only make Blake's life harder when Nate and Mateo found it online.

"I was meant to be adopted my mum killed my dad then herself, I didn't have any relatives. Whatever that means." He answered.

"Ok what shall I call you?" I asked I wanted him to feel as comfortable as possible with me, I don't know why he is here but like hell if anything will happen to him.

"You can call me JJ. Were you taken to?" He asked, his voice is so small, timid, he seems to be a very sweet boy.

"Yes, this man has been looking for me, he lost track of me for a short time but he found me again." I answered honestly skipping over the nasty details. The door slammed open one more, and I'm guessing the man who grabbed Blake walked in. He stepped in front of me and examined my face I'm assuming it is a bright red, my face hurt, I don't know if he punched or slapped me but, damn.

"Do you feel ok?" He asked me, his hair was black, a combover like Mateo but longer, his eyes were brown like mine. I looked down taking this in, why does he care? Isn't he helping Blake?

"Why do you care?" I asked him looking away bracing for him to lose his shit.

"I would never hurt you. He was going to do this whether I was here or not." He answered brushing my hair and I recoiled at his touch. He pulled his hand away and looked like I slapped him.

"Why are you here? Why take a child?" I asked trying to gesture toward JJ but not being able to move nothing but my hand. I looked beside me and they were strapped down around my wrist. He turned around looking down at the child, and turned back towards me seeing he was satisfied with how JJ looked.

"Believe it or not he took him to keep you in line. I don't know the whole deal between you two but he is pissed." He said looking back at me. I sighed knowing that probably he's mad about my child Luca.

"Does he have my child?" I whispered but I seriously don't know if he knows or not and like hell am I using his name.

"No, he left him there." I sighed relaxing; I don't care what happens to me.

"He can do whatever he wants to me, as long as nothing is happening to my child or this child, I'm fine." I said meeting his gaze, my stare was like steel.

"You might regret that but I admire your strength. He made me buy a breast pump so there's that." He said turning away and walked out of the cold steel room without a backwards glance. Well at least I have a breast pump? Ugh, I want to go home. 

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