Chapter 40: Mateo

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The door clicked open and I opened my eyes and Taylor strolled in. She looked at me and smiled, and headed over to the bed that was left. Austin had his eyes closed he insisted on sleep on the uncomfortable stool I doubt he is asleep.

"That felt good." She sighed. I shook my head and she laughed silently.

She laid down and wrapped the hoodie around herself and then pulled the thin hospital blanket over her. I felt Nate move and looked down his eyes are still closed so I closed mine tightening my hold on him and hoped I could sleep. I pushed all my thoughts out of my mind and thought about Nate and the last time we had sex with Grace, the day before she was taken.

I was in the kitchen washing dishes while Grace and Nate put Luca down. I put away the last dish when I heard footsteps behind me, I turned and Grace was standing behind me with her dark blue night gown on, her brown hair falling over her shoulders. Her gorgeous skin a flushed color as she looked up at me, I never thought I would have the fantasy life like this, the perfect women, the baby, the house. I am damn glad I do; I was staring into those gorgeous brown eyes as they showed a little simmer and I knew I wanted her, my cock grow as she stepped forward.

"Nate wanted time alone with Luca." She whispered and I nodded, I faced forward again grabbing a dish towel drying my hands. I turned around and looked down as her breasts peeked through the top of her gown. I looked back up at her hoping she wouldn't notice but she did, she put her hand on my chest and reached up on her tip toes and I leaned forward stealing her lips. "Mateo." She pulled away from me in a gasp and her voice was laced with sex and right now all I wanted was to hear her say my name as my cock was buried in her.

"Grace." I spoke my voice matching hers she reached forward and held my crotch in my hand and I made an effort to push my cock into her hand. I bit my cheek to contain my groan I could feel my cock straining against my pants. "You have no idea how much I want you." I groaned her hand tightening on me.

"Oh, I have an idea." She smirked at me. I walked closer to her and she lowered her hand.

"How about I show you?" I smirked at her and I grabbed her hips crushing her lips against mine and sat her down on the counter. Her gown, stopped at the top of her knees and I pulled the bottom up and she lifted her ass then her arms, letting me pull it off she was naked underneath, God I love this woman. She pulled my shirt open the buttons falling away and I pulled her hair and sucked on her breasts as she laid back and flicked her nipples with my tongue making her moan.

"Mateo." She moaned arching her back into me and I kissed my way down and I used my other hand to flick her clit. She gasped shivering against the cold counter, and I sucked on her hip I loved seeing my marks on her. I pulled back and bit my cheek to hold in my own groan.

"Do you want me, Grace?" I spoke against my lips brushing against her stomach. She tried pulling up her knees but I put my hands on her thighs holding them down. I wanted her words, not actions, I want to hear her moan my name. I want to hear it come out of her pretty fucking mouth. I leaned up looking down into her eyes and I brushed my thumb over her lips, she opened and sucked my thumb but I pulled it out. "Do you?" I asked her and she smirked up at me.

"Yes." She finally spoke and I leaned down kissing her, I brushed my tongue over her lips and she opened, and I braced one arm beside her head, and pushed my cock against her pussy and she gasped, I smirked against her lips. I used my other arm and put her hands above her head, and she groaned. I pulled my hand away from her hands and I felt a hand wrap around my waist, I pulled away from the kiss and looked behind me, a shirtless Nate was there smirking at me.

I felt my cock straining against my pants and I opened my eyes, I need to go to the bathroom. If I am going to keep thinking about this, I need to find a bathroom, but Nate is still leaning on me. I slowly removed my arm from his waist and I pushed him slowly resting him against the back of the couch and slowly stood up. I quickly walked to the bathroom, I need to take care of this, and I need to do it now since I didn't get off earlier. I opened the door and didn't bother locking it, I unzipped my pants and was about to take them down before the door opened. I pulled my pants up and turned around. 

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