Chapter 63: Grace

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I leaned over fiddling with my bag I always kept a phone charger and wall plug I was checking to see if I grabbed the right bag.

"Can you make me a jacket like this?" Blondie asked greeting me at the car and I smiled at him.

"I made this a long time ago but I can try." I answered him looking behind me at him and he shrugged.

"It looks awesome." He said running his hand down my back, first we cut out a piece of leather of another beat up jacket and cut out the design sewed the eyes and the outline, pressed on a rose design I bribed our good friend Bucky to print and then sewed on the snake patch.

"Hey, hands off my wife please thank you." Nate ordered and I laughed. I found the charger and leaned back up. Nate was sitting behind Blondie Mateo behind me Taylor riding in the other car with JJ, Luca sitting in between Nate and Mateo.

"Hey, I was just looking at the jacket." Blondie held up his hand.

"Well at least you're not acting like an ass so that's a plus." I rolled my eyes.

"I had two bullets in me woman." He quipped and I laughed. I leaned my head against the window watching everything go by.

"How long ago did you two meet?" Mateo asked and I leaned over.

"What exactly are you asking?" I asked him and Mateo narrowed his gaze. "Ugh, no never. Not even a kiss, stop." I answered rambling and Blondie laughed.

"Well, you said you only had sex with one person when we met you never mentioned touching." Nate muttered and Blondie choked.

"No, touching took place and she's not my type." Blondie quipped and I rolled my head arching a brow at him. "Ok so she is my type but no nothing happened."

"Other than him lying in a bed, me bringing him water and whatever else he ordered like a housewife him, and him whining, nothing happened." I narrowed my gaze at Mateo and Nate. Blondie slapped his hand on his leg when I turned around.

"I am never going to live that down." He whispered and I smirked shaking my head.

"It's kind of hard to live that down." I said with a scoff. Blondie was wearing a leather jacket and ripped jeans and I gave him a considering look trying to think of what I might think back then if the right circumstances happened. "You were not my type." I whispered to no one in particular and I heard Nate and Mateo scoff, Blondie gaped.

"What exactly is wrong with me?" Blondie gasped out, holding his hand out.

"Too much of a model." I said wiping my hand over his face. "You look like a douche who is full of himself at first look, no offense." Nate and Mateo started laughing harder.

"How the fuck am I not supposed to take offense to that." He looked at me and I smirked.

"Just don't?" I offered and he shook his head with a scoff.

"Can I have some suggestions to fix this or?" He waved his hand around. I looked back and Nate and Mateo just smirking at me.

"Ask Taylor." I suggested and he nodded. "Although you are not her type either, my brother is more her type." I muttered and he scoffed once more and I held up my hands. "Hey, you might have a shot if you like her I am just saying." He nodded stopping the car. I got out holding my duffle bag and walked to Taylor.

"Hey, I don't know about you but I am getting nervous." She looked at me saying and I leaned down as she was fiddling with JJ's backpack.

"Blondie wonders why he looks too cocky and arrogant I told him to ask you, he wonders why he's not my type when I was his." I whispered and Blondie stepped up beside me. I waved a hand gesturing to him, Taylor handed me the bag and JJ ran to Mateo. Taylor gave him a considering glance and he smirked. Mateo gripped JJ's hand, Nate behind him and walked to us with a smirk.

"He definitely is not your type." She whispered and he scoffed. "To much of a model, shows he would probably take an hour to get dressed while it takes you fifteen minutes." She said waving a hand over him. "Leather Jacket is not helping you and you do give off the air of a douche." She finished saying as I leaned over whispering in her ear.

"Although if he finds someone just as cocky as him, he might have someone." I whispered and she nodded looking at me.

"You are right, that's true." She agreed with a smirk. "Though she may give him a run for his money." She said and I smirked.

"Are you going to tell me what is being said about me or?" Blondie held out his arms.

"If you meet someone, that is just as cocky as you, and just as dominant, you may have met your match." Taylor said pointing at him before turning around.

"I told you the redhead, Blondie, the redhead." Skinner spoke rounding the back of the car behind me with a smirk. 

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