Chapter 49: Grace

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I laid there in Mateo's arm and I felt another set of hands pull me out of his arm, Nate. He sat me in his lap and ran his fingers through my hair, my incision from the surgery was small hidden in my hair. I closed my eyes wrapping my arms around Nate, and I heard fumbling.

"Baby, are you ok?" Nate whispered and I nodded. He rose up carrying me to the bathroom. He sat me down on the counter going to the shower turning it on.

"Thank you." I spoke and he looked up at me confused, his light brown hair hovering over his eyes. "For taking care of me." I whispered and he shook his head coming to me.

"Don't ever think you have to thank me. I love you." Nate grabbed my hand and I nodded.

"I love you too." I barely said before he crashed his lips against mine. I wrapped my legs around him instinctively and he lifted me up carrying me to the shower. He pinned me against the wall and broke the kiss breathing heavily, he flicked my clit, and I moaned. "I was wondering if you two were ever going to touch me." I whispered looking down between us. He put a finger on my chin making me look into his eyes.

"I'm sorry baby, I just didn't want to hurt you or hurry you." He spoke and I bit my lip. He pulled my lip free with his thumb.

"I wanted you, I still want you. I have for so long; I would have told if you hurt me." I told him and he kissed me.

"I know Angel I'm sorry." He cooed going under the stream. I smiled at him and he smiled back at me, he sat me down and he walked to me making me sit on the bench.

"What are you doing?" I asked him and he kneeled down before grabbing my legs making me sit on the edge, I spread my legs, and he started kissing my inner thighs slowly going higher and higher.

"I want to make you come for me." He spoke before licking up my slit and I braced myself on my elbows, looking down at him. The shower door opened and Mateo walked in arching a brow at what was happening before leaning against the wall.

I couldn't think straight with Mateo watching me and Nate bit my sensitive clit lightly making me buck my hips. He put his hand on my hips making me stay still, he thrusted his tongue in me, I grabbed his hair, keeping him there, and he sucked my clit.

"Nate." I groaned closing my eyes I wrapped my legs around him and he reached up flicking my nipples. He started eating me out groaning against me letting the vibration against my clit urge me on. I was still sensitive I feel like I am so close, I start bucking my hips against his face and he holds my hips pulling away.

"I can still taste him." He groaned looking at me licking his eyes smiling deviously before pinching my clit between two fingers.

"Fuck!" I cried out and I felt his mouth there again, and two fingers thrusted into me. "Nate." I groaned he thrusted his fingers twice more before holding them to my lips.

I opened swirling my tongue around them groaning when I taste myself mixed with Mateo. He flicked my clit with my tongue and thrusted it in me once more before I saw stars. I pulled him closer to me as he tasted me coming on his tongue, I relaxed and he pulled away wiping his thumb against his bottom lip smiling. Mateo was looking at me with such desire in his gaze I almost forgot he was standing there, I blushed under their gazes.

"You taste so good baby." Nate praised and got up walking over to Mateo. Mateo looked at him before grabbing him kissing him, they both groaned and I felt complete knowing that these two gorgeous men love each other. They both pulled away breathing heavily before turning to me as I got up and walked under the showerhead. I hummed as I felt the water cover me, and I felt an arm wrap around my waist.

After a short shower with my loves in an amicable silence I was in the kitchen in my jeans and black t-shirt cooking breakfast, JJ walked down the stairs wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. He quietly walked over to the island sitting in front of me, Nate, Mateo and I switch days fixing breakfast, and Luca was in his carrier in a highchair.

"Hey bud. How did you sleep?" I asked putting a pancake on his plate, and he looked at me smiling.

"Good. How are you feeling?" JJ peered up at me and I smiled down at him. He has been helpful while I've been healing, the first couple of weeks were hell and lots of sleeping literally nothing but sleep the first two weeks.

"I'm doing great JJ thank you for asking." I praised him and Nate and Mateo walked down the stairs in grey slacks and button-down shirts. Nate wearing a blue shirt Mateo wearing a black one. The front door banged open and I held up the cup of coffee while Taylor walked to me with my back turned grabbing it from me. "I'm fine. If I have to hear that question one more time, I am going to make me a sure that says I'm fine plastered across my chest." I said closing my eyes and Taylor chuckled.

"I didn't ask." She smiled walking to sit beside JJ and I arched a knowing brow at her.

"You were going to." I spoke as Nate and Mateo walked up beside me.

"True." She said pointing the cup of coffee at me, I took it sipping it before giving it back to her. I don't drink much coffee so we share or Nate and Mateo shares with me. "Bucky is expecting us in two days." She whispered and I gaped at her.

"Two days! Taylor!" I dropped the spatula and Nate grabbed it before.

"What are we talking about?" Nate asked and I looked at Mateo looking at me like I had a third eye.

"You want to go to Alabama?" I asked and they arched their brows at me. "I said a week maybe two, not two days Taylor!" I scolded her and she smiled at me. 

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