Chapter 53: Grace

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"Why not just have sex in front of him?" A voice chimed I looked at the door and Taylor was standing there. "Sorry I didn't know I would walk in on this conversation but couldn't help but suggest it." She shrugged walking to the recliner not giving a damn.

"This is weird. You two are weird." Mateo said gesturing to me and Taylor and I smiled at him. "No, I cannot get off knowing he is in the same fucking room." He shook his head.

"If she can't get your mind off the fact that he is in the room she isn't doing a great job." She muttered; I threw myself off Mateo before standing in front of her. "Okay momma bear calm down." She put up her hands mocking in surrender.

"Listen I love you but you better walk away." I spoke to her and she shook her head. "You want to test me?" I asked and I heard movement.

"Yes, I do." She smiled at me. "Might as well get some practice in." She shrugged and I smiled.

I darted at her pinning wall to the wall with my forearm. We used to do this all the time, she smiled at me before going for my hair and I ducked rolling away.

"Smooth." She spoke before walking to me and I rolled again before getting up. "Damn girl." She praised and I tried kicking her from where I was but she rolled straight to me standing in front of me grabbing my throat.

"Hands. Mistake." I said and bringing my arm up hard breaking her grip making her let go.

I looked behind me and it looked like the whole room was cleared and Nate and Mateo were leaning against the door smirking. I ducked as she swung again this was planned. I kicked at her legs making her fall and I got down straddling about to pin her when she rolled over holding a hand to my throat.

"You that out of practice?" She teased and I looked at Nate and Mateo, they both had pitying looks on their faces but I looked at her smirking. I rolled over grabbing her arm that was pinning me pushing it up making her roll over and pinned her with my leg across her chest and I heard laughing.

"I told you hands." I said waving her own arm at her, stiff in my grasp.

"Alright I give." She said and I stood up, she swung her arm like she was going to try to chokehold me and I grabbed her hand.

"You give?" I arched a brow and she smirked at me before I let go of her and she hugged me. I started taking deep breaths calming my heart.

"For a girl that just had brain surgery. You are not out of practice." She whispered in my ear breathing deeply.

"Well, you never let me win even if I was hurt so I have to agree." I scoffed and she laughed silently.

"You? Never." She shook her head. She pulled away and the guys clapped and we laughed as they walked closer. "I told Nate I would do that." She said wiping her hands.

"Kind of figured you did. But you never, ever let me win, so I know that was real." I spoke.

"That it was. Where the fuck did that come from?" She asked smiling and I shrugged.

"Instinct, I guess." I answered and she smiled. I was breathing heavily and she walked past me clapping me on the back I turned around to see Nate and Mateo.

"Are you ok?" Nate asked and I nodded smiling.

"That felt good." I sighed and they both smiled letting me walk past following Taylor.

"Skinner just called he said today is not a good day tomorrow for sure." Taylor spoke putting down the phone. "Said you didn't answer." She motioned to all three of us and I nodded. I picked up my phone seeing a missed call and text message saying that today wasn't a good day and I knew not to ask questions.

I called Rya letting her know not to worry about coming over and she said that if I needed her to give her a call. Austin asked in the background when I was going to Alabama and I told her 2 days and she said he would probably call before telling my bye.

The rest of the day went by in a daze, I ended the night with Nate and Mateo in bed as usual lately, after a slow day. JJ was playing Minecraft in his room all day; I don't see how he doesn't get bored but he insists he doesn't. 

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