Chapter 42: Nate

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Mateo walked out of the bathroom and smirked at me walking to Grace's bedside on Rya's side but he was quick to sit down and get as close to Grace as possible. I got up from the couch and walked around sitting beside him. He grabbed her hand and leaned down kissing her forehead. I looked at Luca sleeping and smiled, he was always a good sleeper at night. There were some nights that were unbearable but not many.

"Grace baby. I'm here." He spoke in her ear. I laid my hand on his hand and laid my head down on my other arm next to her side. He gasped and I felt his hand move under my hand. I looked and she was gripping his hand. "Hey." He chuckled out and a tear went down his cheek.

"Hi Angel." I whispered to her. I put my hand on his shoulder and he physically relaxed he laid his head down on his arm in beside her still holding her hand. I leaned over him smirking. "Don't say a word about us even though we know she can hear us." I pulled back and he smirked his eyes closed I laid my head down on my arm and closed my eyes.

"I wasn't." He whispered. I felt better sitting here beside Grace, I felt like she was here with us. I closed my eyes and cleared my head of all thoughts and just focused on sleep. It was now like two in the fucking morning, it has been a long fucking day.

I woke up and leaned up and shook my head at the sunlight beaming through the window. I lifted a hand blocking it and looked away, I saw Rya was up and the TV was on with no sound and Annie, JJ, and Austin were missing. I looked beside me and Mateo was still asleep, and a door clicked open and a toilet was running. Taylor walked out and laid back down on the bed from last night.

"Morning." She spoke, and Rya looked at me smiling.

"Morning." I spoke back and I got up stretching.

"How did you sleep like that?" Rya asked and I smiled.

"I feel like I haven't had good rest like that in forever." I answered.

"It was probably Grace actually being in the room." Taylor smiled at me and I nodded. "Yeah. Me too." She chimed and I heard a groan beside me, Mateo was waking up.

"Morning." He turned and he looked at Rya. "I'm sorry I would have slept on the other side but JJ was there." He explained but Rya didn't look mad.

"It's ok. You're fine. If you get any closer, I might have to see your hands." She spoke and Mateo turned his hands out. She examined them and then nodded. "Now you're fine." She said after taking a few deep breaths.

"Ugh!" Choking caught all of our attention and I turned and Grace was resisting the pump. Janet, Mira and Dr. Katz shoved through the door, and we moved against the other wall. Grace was coughing up the tube as they pulled it out.

"Hey, Grace my name is Dr. Katz." The Dr. spoke to her and I just stood there frozen was she waking up? They were circling her and when they pulled away Janet and Mira rolled out the ventilator. "She is breathing on her own. She's still not fully conscious she may drift in and out." Dr. Katz spoke to me and I nodded. Mateo and I slowly walked around her standing beside her. I was on her right Mateo on her left, I grabbed her hand.

"Hey Angel." I spoke to her and she gripped my hand and opened her eyes. I gasped seeing her take in the room and she looked at Mateo.

"Hey baby." He leaned down kissing her forehead. She started coughing but Katz came over with some water which she eagerly sipped down before clearing her throat.

"Thank God." She sighed out and we all smiled. "I love you. I love you both." She looked at both of us.

"I love you." I cooed kissing her forehead.

"I love you." Mateo spoke as I rose up. I felt tears going down my face but my chest felt full in a good way, not the paralyzing way I have been feeling. I feel relieved my Angel is awake and talking to us.

"Hey bitch, thank you for waking up." Taylor walked over smiling tears going down her face.

"Hey jerk." Grace smiled at her. Dr. Katz walked closer to Mateo and he backed up.

"Hi Grace, I'm one of your doctors, Dr. Katz. How are you feeling?" She asked her, and Grace grimaced.

"What happened?" She reached up feeling of her head.

"You had a very bad brain bleed Dr. Gibbons operated on you. We have been dressing your wound on your thigh and arm. Are you in pain?" Dr. Katz asked and Grace shook her head slightly.

"Why does my head feel fuzzy?" Grace asked.

"You have an epidural hematoma; we will have to operate on it." She explained and the door opened.

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