Chapter 99: Mateo

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"I felt like I won the lottery." I commented and Nate scoffed.

"I did too." He agreed. Grace looked at me small smile on her face.

"I felt like I had everything I everything I ever wanted. I didn't care that I may not be the father, hell I don't care that my blood is not in his veins I love him and that makes him mine." I told her and she nodded.

"I feel that with JJ. I don't know how to explain it, but I woke up his eyes... Those damn eyes." She shook her head and I smiled. "It was like something just clicked." She said and the doors flung open and JJ barreled in jumping into Grace's lap. "Hey, buddy I was just talking about you." She said and he smiled looking at me and Nate. I heard footsteps and turned seeing Sike. Her eyes widened when she saw me and Nate without shirts on and Nate shook his head, she visibly relaxed.

"I'm sorry he... Has he called you mom yet?" Sike asked and Grace shook her and Sike smiled. "He just did with me." She commented she walked over to me.

"Is it okay if I call you that?" JJ asked and Grace's jaw dropped but she nodded.

"Whatever you want, JJ." She whispered and he kissed her cheek.

"How are you feeling?" Sike asked and she sat down, so I could talk to her with JJ hearing.

"Ribs, not hurting now, but they will when I move." I whispered and her gaze went to my knee. "Haven't moved that yet so no pain." I said and she showed a small smile getting back up.

"He told me he wanted to see his mom." Sike said. "Come on little man, you want breakfast?" She asked and JJ nodded running out of the run Sike behind him. A tear went down Grace's cheek.

"That..." She trailed off sighing deeply. "That was unexpected." She wiped her tear away.

"Angel you, okay?" Nate asked and she nodded smiling.

"Yeah, yeah, just my heart felt like it was about to burst out of chest." She chuckled. "Do you want of the brace?" She asked and I nodded immediately.

"My knee is numb but if I move it'll hurt like hell." I said and Nate went over to the stabilizer. Grace held my hand, Nate looked at me and I nodded, he undid the straps opening the brace and the cold air hitting made every muscle tighten. It was starting to hurt, now, my muscles tightening uncontrollably. I gritted my teeth raising my leg.

"Fuck." I whispered and Grace turned my head kissing me. I groaned the pain turning to pleasure when my cock hardened, she had one arm around my neck and I reached up grabbing her hand. I pulled away from the kiss breathing hard, I saw the stabilizer was down and I lowered my leg, I guided her hand down my chest looking into her eyes.

"Mateo." She warned and I shook my head. I made her palm me my hand over hers, I gripped her hand tighter, making her hand close around me. Nate went to the door closing it, and I heard another click.

"I need this." I said and she shook her head pulling her hand away. She fastened the stabilizer around my knee, and Castillo was right it did look sort of useless. I wish I could get up and walk, but Grace and Nate probably wouldn't let me.

"Can I do what Taylor did to me now please?" She asked and I arched a brow.

"What do you mean?" Nate asked.

"Make you walk to get better faster." She asked and I nodded. She undid the stabilizer brace thing.

"I was just thinking I want to walk." I said and she nodded getting up on my left side Nate on my right, I pushed getting up and every muscle in my ribs fought me but I pushed getting up. Grace pushed the ottoman letting me put my foot on the ground and I groaned. Pain shot through my entire leg, but I stayed standing gritting my teeth.

"Want to sit back down?" Grace asked and I shook my head. I took a step and it hurt like a bitch, it felt like every muscle in my leg was tightened to the point it wouldn't move. Castillo told me it would do that, so I just breathed through it and tried not to limp as I took my next step. 

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