Chapter 5: Grace

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"Are you ok?" I heard a voice ask, I opened nodding but stopping when my head felt fuzzy.

"Yes, I'm ok. Don't worry about me I'll be okay." I said to JJ and the door slammed opened the guy walking back in with a bag, kneel in front of me with it.

"Told you not to anger him." He said to me.

"Like I don't fucking know that. If I don't resist, he'll let me go and I will just be getting all of this in smaller portions anyways, and like hell am I letting him take me from my family. OW!" I said feeling fire on my arm.

"Sorry I got to clean it." He said pouring more alcohol on it.

"Why are you helping him?" I asked through clenched teeth. "Are you here to bandage me up every time he does this?" I finished feeling a bandage going over my arm.

"I don't have stitches you're going to have a scar." He said standing up. "I don't have a choice." He answered me shaking his head. He took my chin in his hands and put a flashlight in my eyes.

"What the hell are you doing?" I said squinting, he put a hand on my forehead pulling my eye open then the other.

"No concussion." He said to me, okay then.

"He brought you here to bandage me up great." I said sarcastically rolling my eyes.

"I would never hurt you. Like I said I don't know your history but I have no choice but to be here." He said looking at me and I could see he was honest.

"Name? Something to call you maybe?" I said grumbling, I felt like I needed sleep now.

"Drew." He said and I felt my head get fuzzy once more. I tried to keep my eyes open but it wasn't working.

"Good to know." I said fading into the darkness.

"No! No!" I jerked awake at the yells. I looked in front of me seeing JJ pulling against his binds asleep.

"JJ." I whispered not want to startle him. "JJ sweetheart." I yelled a little louder making him jolt eyes wide looking at me.

"I'm sorry." He said to me and I took in his appearance he was wearing another pair of pajamas. Last pair was blue flannel type these are green and have dinosaurs.

"It's okay baby. Do you want to tell me what you were dreaming about?" I asked him.

"I saw my mum kill herself. She was in front of me and I couldn't do anything." He said to me his eyes watering.

"I'm so sorry honey." I said wishing I could comfort him.

"Are you a mommy?" He asked me with curiosity in his gaze, those big green eyes looking at me.

"Yes, I am, I have a baby." I answered him.

"Do you think my mom killed herself because of me?" He asked his lip quivering.

"Not at all honey, I don't know how to explain this..." I said trailing off and I shook my head and just decided to wing it. "When we are adults sometimes, we have problems that can't be solved with an I'm sorry or flowers. Sometimes we have to face it head on and just move on and maybe your mom had something she thought she couldn't deal with any other way. I very much doubt it had anything to do with you, I didn't know your mum, maybe she couldn't get answers she was looking for. Maybe the voices in her head just told her to do it and she acted." I said very much hoping I didn't upset him farther.

"That makes sense..." He trailed off, I could see his lip stop quivering and he blinked the unfallen tears away.

"I'm sure she loved you, I don't even know you and I can only go by what I feel for my own son. I'm sure she is watching over you right now, maybe she dealt with what she was going through the best way she could and I'm sorry you had to see what you saw." I said trying to comfort him.

"There was this lady and she said that mum had demons living in her head and they told her to do what she did and she didn't have a choice." He said to me voice in a whisper.

"I would trust the lady; she knows more about the situation than me. Trust me when I say she loved you and didn't have a choice and hold on to that." I said to him smiling slightly.

"The guy brought me food earlier and changed my clothes." He said to me. "Why won't he give you any clothes?" He asked.

"He wants to hurt me, more than you. As long as I keep doing what I'm going he won't hurt you." I said to him.

"But I don't want him to hurt you!" He cried.

"We have to get out of this honey, trust me. I'll be ok I promise." The tears were back in his eyes and he let one fall nodding at me. "If I die, I know my child will be safe and Drew should make sure you're safe, you had nothing to do with this." I said looking to the camera.

"I want to go home with you!" He cried out once more tears falling.

"If we get out of this alive, you will meet my guys and my son. If I can, I will adopt you." I said to him smiling, I really like this boy. It like something has connected us not like kindred spirits or anything, I'm not sure what it was. I let my own tear fall but quickly blinked them away being strong for the boy in front of me.

"You mean that?" He asked him and I saw his first smile since we've been here a small blush on his face. My heart melted seeing his dimples and him smiling.

"Yes, I do. My best friend can tell you I always follow through on my promises." I said to him nodding.

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