Chapter 107: Mateo

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I looked up from my ribs I was checking on when I heard footsteps, I looked up seeing Nate with Grace wrapped around him. He laid down with her on top of him and sighed.

"I want to play too Angel." He said and she sighed. "Believe me I want to play it has been so long." He groaned and Grace looked up.

"Have you two played together?" She asked and we shook our heads.

"Did you seriously think we would play without our Angel?" I asked and she looked back down at Nate both hands on his chest.

"You didn't to get your mind off..." She trailed off and we shook our heads again. She tried laying back down against Nate but he held her up.

"Nothing got my mind off you. You were away from me, Princess. Both of us, yes, we buried ourselves in each other but the minute we got a breath of air our minds came back to reality." He said and she nodded. "I felt guilty for even having sex since you were gone." He commented.

"I did too." I said and she shook her head, gripping his throat.

"Don't you ever. Ever. Feel that way." She said and he smirked at her. "Listen if you two ever want to play without me that is fine. If I am out, I don't care what the fuck I am doing and you two want time alone, that is fine." She said and looked at me. "I get the whole somebody took my girl, but if you two ever want to play or anything without me. That. Is Fine." She scolded.

"Okay Angel, I like you like this." Nate commented and she smiled letting go of his throat. "You won't get punished for that, that gave... feels." He said making her laugh.

"I do ask if you do something for the first time, I would prefer me to watch in person, but videoing it is okay too." She teased wagging her brows.

"Of course, Angel." I chuckle out and she hugs my arm we all fall to sleep without another word.

"I want to play. I want to play. I want to play." I wake up hearing Grace mumble, and I chuckle making her startle.

"It's okay, Angel." I put my hand on her shoulder and she relaxes. "Let's go fix breakfast and we can play." I say to her and she gets up instantly getting her robe heading out the door. I smirk and roll over nudging Nate, who groans.

"What is it?" He mumbles and I smile at him as he looks over at me.

"Angel wants to play." I say and he's up before I can blink shaking his head and rubbing his eyes.

"Let's go then." He smiles and I get up shaking my head. "Don't tell me you don't want to." He grumbles and I smirk at him.

"Of course, I do, it's just I don't think I've seen either of you get up that fast." I smile and he chuckles.

We walk downstairs and Grace has already got bacon going, coffee on and eggs on another skillet. Me and Nate smile at each other before we walk down, she turns around and rolls her eyes at our smiles.

"If you don't want to play, that's fine. But like hell if I am not getting my promised day where I get fucked by you two repeatedly." She says making me almost choke.

"What are you talking about?" I mumble.

"I promised her that, after you fell asleep last night." Nate whispers and I nodded.

"Oh. That explains it." I say to him and he roll his eyes, I send him glare but all he does is smile at me.

"I do want to play though." Grace chimes in again and I see her chewing on a piece of bacon. I shake my head and walk around her grabbing the fork from her.

"I'll fix it Angel." I whisper and she kisses my cheek smiling at me. She walks around sitting on the stool watching me cook our breakfast. I hear moaning so I look up after a while and see Grace turned around leaning on the island, and I know that Nate is between her legs. "That's not fair." I scold them but he just chuckles.

"She wants a whole day; she's getting a whole day." Then I heard Grace moan, and I take the pan off the eye turning it off and I walk around seeing him bent down eating her out. I walk behind him and I see him pinch her clit with her fingers, my cock hardens.

"Nate." She gasps and he opens her robe pulling the strap before flicking her nipples with his fingers. Nate starts sucking her again and she hums and whines as she follows her high. Nate swallows her juices and looks up at her, he turns and looks at me before I blink, he's in front of me.

"Want a taste?" He asks and I grab the back of his head kissing him, the taste of her juices make my cock twitch in my pants, and I moan. I pull away biting his lip and he gasps.

"Always." I whisper again his lips and he smirk; I pull away and put everything on plates and set them in front of the stools. "Let's eat so we can play for a while." I order and they both smile at me as I round the counter and sit beside Grace, and eat.

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