Chapter 102: Mateo

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"Nellie, Grace was kidnapped." I said and her eyes widened, her jaw dropping. "She may kill me for telling you but they both were that's how they met, Blake took both of them." I whispered and she walked back over to the stove draining the noodles putting the cheese sauce and stirred it while I spoke to her.

"Well don't stop talking now boy, continue." She ordered and I smirked, I turned around standing beside her cutting up tomatoes for my salad.

"I am not sure where he got JJ but I do know he took Grace right off our front porch and no one was home but her and Luca. He didn't go in the house so he didn't know Luca was there. I don't what he would have done if he took Luca, but anyway, after she was there for a while this tech who was trying to track down this guy put in her real name Grace Smith into a thing that I don't know finds everything about that person and a video came up." I said and she nodded handing the bowl of macaroni to JJ who was listening to music.

"What kind of video?" She asked, I tossed the tomatoes into a bowl and got my lettuce.

"It was a live video of them where they were at, we couldn't track. We saw her wake up and it was like the two just clicked they talked and she calmed him when he had nightmares about his parents." I said and Nellie looked at JJ.

"She told me that she had a run in with Blake wouldn't say much more, but it doesn't surprise me that she didn't tell me I had to pry things out of her with chocolates and books." She said leaning on the counter and I chuckled. "You don't have to tell me anymore. I'm sure you have questions for me." She looked at me and I nodded.

"I do." I answered and she nodded.

"Ask away." She waved and I smiled.

"How long ago did you become her babysitter?" I asked and she looked down like she was counting.

"Let's see, damn. Okay, so she was one year and six months. Her parents were..." She trailed off with a sigh. "Her parents dad fawned over her until she was like three then started disappearing on the weekends her mom stayed drunk, I just had Zip, so I juggled them two basically." She said and I nodded.

"That must have been tough." I said and she nodded.

"It was tough and my husband didn't understand but I didn't care, I love her like she is my own. I got the spare job to get out of the compound at the Serpents, I loved the people there but sometimes the drinking and the guns became too much." She said and I nodded. The door opened and Grace walked in, she smiled at us but then sat beside JJ and they started quietly talking.

"Did you know she didn't want kids?" I asked and she nodded turning to face me her back to them.

"I did. She didn't understand that part of being a parent is fighting like hell, to make sure they're childhood was better than your own." She explained. "I knew she would be one, not that I thought she would accidentally get pregnant or anything bad by it. I knew she would find the right guy and want too. Can I ask you something?" She whispered.

"Of course." I answered.

"How did you meet? She won't tell me thinks I'll be ashamed although I don't know what the hell, I would be ashamed of her for." She said and I chuckled.

"Um, okay, so for me to tell you this, you have to promise not to react in a bad way." I spoke.

"Okay, promise, whatever now tell me how you met my child." She ordered.

"So, I own, a bar, hell, okay I own a stripper bar." I said and her eyes widened before she relaxed. "Nate is my best friend we share it fifty-fifty, she walked in and Taylor already worked there, we had to fudge the paperwork to say she was twenty-one and we had never done it before but the girls were behind her so we did it the one time for Taylor. Then Grace came in two years after they were in New York, me and Nate didn't know she existed." I explained and she nodded.

"That's expected of Taylor she loved to dance." Nellie nodded.

"Grace came in and wanted to be a stripper too, that's how we met her." I explained and she nodded.

"That's kind of unexpected but not completely." She sighed and I smirked. I grabbed the dressing out of the fridge and a fork and started eating my salad. "She told me you were a health junkie." She whispered and I chuckled.

"I guess I kind of am." I said to her, she walked to Grace.

"Devious! Where are you?" Sike yelled kicking open the door. "There's my girl are we leaving today?" She asked and Grace shook her head.

"I want to settle some things you don't mind?" Grace said and Sike shook her head planting a kiss on Grace's forehead before she could blink.

"Not at all, Devious." She quickly left the room after seeing me.

"Is she going to be a problem for me?" I asked pointing to myself with the fork and Grace smiled.

"No, Husband." She said emphasizing the label and I felt pride rush through me. 

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