Chapter 50: Nate

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Sometimes I do not know a thing with my Angel and Taylor. She just asked me if I want to go to Alabama. I don't mind going to my girl's hometown but a little notice would've helped.

"Of course, Angel. What are we going for?" Mateo chimed in.

"Trent." Taylor gritted her teeth. JJ was sitting eating ignoring our conversation entirely seemingly but we all knew he listens he just never talks much. "You can stay at my house with my parents or Grace's house." Taylor pointed at Grace. She mentioned she still had her house and was paying an autistic adult to take care of it, and a lady went inside and cleaned occasionally and sent the bill.

"My house definitely." Grace spoke and I nodded.

"Bucky says no one knows you're coming guess Trent isn't that scared." Taylor whispered and I knew instantly that was a mistake.

"Alright better that way." Grace said biting a piece of bacon, she fixed her plate and left the rest for me and Mateo. Taylor stood up leaning against the counter before grabbing a piece of bacon of Mateo's plate I smirked.

"I am not even going to say anything." He grumbled before sitting beside Grace. I sat beside JJ. Taylor and Grace laughed.

"How did you sleep JJ?" I asked him and he smiled up at me.

"Good." He said simply. "I want to go to Alabama." He smiled.

"You can come with us." I assured him. He got down putting his plate in the sink.

"Yay!" He cheered and all of us smiled.

"Want me to pack a bag for him?" Taylor asked and Grace sighed. "I know it's early but the kid has a lot of clothes and we might have to go shopping." Taylor finished her voice at a whisper.

"Go see what he's got. I have some things, I doubt the guys do, shopping is a must if they don't." Grace said and Taylor nodded before walking him up the stairs as he asked what all he could do in Alabama.

"What do you mean shopping I am not dressing up like a cowboy forget it." Mateo chimed in making Grace choke on her pancake before drinking some water and nudged him with her elbow. I slid over to sit next to her.

"Our hometown is not pleasant. If you don't know somebody or aren't of power people don't let you do things." Grace said and took another sip putting her glass down. "Basically, if you have money, you're something but if you are a newcomer which you will be, it's best to downplay it because they will show how much power they have. It's basically a big game, there are several gangs. You have to know where to go and not to go." She explained.

"Who is this Bucky?" I asked her and she looked up at me a shiver went down her spine before she pushed her plate away.

"He is neutral player; he has always looked out for me and Taylor you want information you go to him." She answered and I nodded.

"Are we in danger?" Mateo asked and she shook her head.

"I don't think so but if we step on the wrong toes we might be. Nobody will hurt JJ though I plan to let him spend time with Taylor's parents if there are no objections?" She asked.

"I don't see the problem with it. Luca too?" I asked and she nodded.

"That's probably best." Mateo stated and I nodded. I heard someone walking down the stairs and Grace rounded the island.

"He's got nothing. Where do you want to go shopping?" Taylor asked sitting on the counter beside the sink as Grace cleaned the dishes.

"I don't know. We may have to pick a shop when we get there unless you know a place." Grace said.

"What are we looking for?" Mateo asked and Grace turned to him blushing.

"Clothes that look like you didn't pay $100 for them." She answered.

"Could Skinner work?" I asked and she shrugged picking her phone up off the counter dialing his number.

"Hey Skinner. I am doing great, the doc cleared me yesterday but I'm sure you know that." She said looking at Taylor. Taylor made a motion with her hands like a gun and Grace nodded. "Skinner, I need a favor, it's for me to pay a trip to go see Blake's helper." She explained and I heard a voice on the phone but couldn't make it out.

"We need guns I swear if you don't ask." Taylor shook her head and I gaped at her. Guns? For What?

"I need some clothes for JJ and my guys. Lowkey clothing can be brands but nothing to expensive looking. Oh, he's already told you about my little hometown? Great. I'm sure as you know he is one of the ones at the top. Yeah, real pity." She said rolling her eyes smiling. We all laughed as she hung up the phone.

"Guns, the guns." Taylor scolded her.

"He's going to call me back; he is going to ask some friends I'll ask then." Grace scolded her and Taylor mocked being scared before Grace hit her leg with the dish towel.

"Why exactly do you need guns?" Mateo asked wiping his mouth with a napkin.

"Like hell, if I am going back there without one." Taylor mumbled and Grace arched a brow at her. "Ok to see my parents fine. Fine. To go see Trent? No thank you." She waved and Grace smiled.

"People there do not care, because it is a small town where people can do what they want when they want. Unless you are at the bottom of the food chain." Grace spread her arms as if to gesture to herself. Taylor did the same thing. "You are looking at two at the very bottom, by their standards." She said pointing air quotes around very bottom.

"Wolfden. Someone took that name to seriously." I mutter taking my last bite of sausage as they all laughed. The phone rang and Grace showed Skinner's name to each of us before answering.

"Thank you and I'm sure you want Blake off your hands. Can I see him today?" She asked and we all froze. Me and Mateo have been waiting for her to be ready but she just blurted it. "Thank you, Skinner." She said and hung up the phone before her face turned a bright red as looked to each of us.

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