Chapter 35: Nate

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I know she might not feel the pain but I still wanted to be here in case she could hear. I stood beside her and gripped her hand, brought her hand up kissing it, Taylor pushed a stool rolling it in without walking in and I sat down, the curtain closed quickly. 

"I am going to numb the area with this, and cut with this." The nurse spoke and I saw a spray bottle and a scalpel, I gulped and nodded. She looked at me then at the blanket. "I need to pull down the blanket and pull up her gown." She spoke and I nodded she might not be saying this for me but for Grace also. I looked away as she slowly pulled down the blanket. I leaned down kissing Grace's cheek.

"Grace baby. I'm here." I spoke and I kissed her again. "You will be okay." I choked up and I felt like breaking down again.

"Okay, I am about to cut." I heard the nurse speak and I looked at her nodding. "You can leave if you need to." She gestured to the curtain and I shook my head.

"I'm ok here." I rasped and she nodded. I gripped Grace hand tighter and I saw her cut her thigh, and I looked away looking at Grace. I loosened my hold on my hand and I felt Grace grip my hand. I gasped. "Um, Mira, she is holding my hand." I spoke and the nurse looked up.

"Oh my gosh okay. Janet, get the Dr.!" She ordered and Grace was still holding my hand her white hand in mine and I gripped hers back. Mateo darted through the curtain he stood beside me.

"Angel I'm here. I'm here baby." He spoke. He watched her holding my hand and brought her hand up kissing it.

"We're here Angel, we are here." I spoke Mateo put his hand on my back. I looked down at the nurse and she put the implant in the tray. Grace's hold loosened again going limp and my face fell. "She let go." I whispered and Mateo grabbed my shoulder.

"It may have been a muscle spasm, or it could be her responding to you. Dr. Gibbons will be here shortly." She spoke and started bandaging her cut. "This will heal fast, the burn on her thigh will be a scar though. The cut on her arm will leave a scar, we are still dressing it to help with the healing." She pulled up the gown higher and, on her thigh, closest to me was the burn. It is a reddish pink and I gasped. She pulled it down shortly after, covered Grace back up left opening the curtain. Austin walked over looking concerned.

"Is she okay?" He asked and I looked down at Grace. Did she respond to me? Was she waking up? Could she wake up? Was it a spasm? Is she brain dead?

"She will be." Mateo answered pulling me out of my thoughts and Austin sat down where the nurse was, there were about 10 stools spread around the room. Taylor pushed another over and Mateo sat down beside me putting a hand on my thigh.

"Hey, Dr. Gibbons we've met. Mira told me that Grace moved?" He asked walking to me. I nodded.

"Well not moved but she gripped my hand, rather tightly. She was holding it for maybe 10 seconds before she let go." I explained and he nodded.

"Mira told me that as well. Let me look, excuse me." He stepped around Austin. I dropped Grace's hand scooting back.

"Grace, my name is Dr. Gibbons can you grip my finger if you can hear me?" He asked her putting two fingers in each hand and she did nothing. "It may have been a muscle spasm but I would like to get an EEG." He stepped away, from her examining her eyes with a pen light. Taylor nodded once more and they wheeled her out.

"She held my hand." I sighed running a hand over my face. Mateo leaned over kissing my cheek and Austin's mouth dropped open.

"What?" Mateo asked and Austin pointed to me and Mateo over and over.

"Yeah, we are all together." I spoke and Taylor laughed.

"I tried to tell you, but you wouldn't listen." She walked over smiling leaning against the wall.

"Um, okay so, you two..." He trailed off and Taylor laughed even harder. She walked over whispering in Austin's ear and he went pale. "Really?" He asked looking at me and Mateo with wide eyes. Taylor walked over to Mateo whispering in his ear.

"She said, we suck each other's dicks and fuck." He leaned over whispering.

"Yes, really." I turned to him and Mateo draped an arm over my shoulder enhancing our point.

"Ok so how does Grace fit in?" He asked and I bent over biting my hand to keep me from laughing.

"Would you like us to draw a diagram?" Mateo muttered.

"I don't mean that you fuckers I mean the damn relationship." He scowled at us then he looked at Taylor and she whispered in his ear before walking back over to Mateo.

"We all love each other; you can fall in love with two people." I spoke and Austin looked at me and Mateo and nodded.

"I'm not judging, just didn't think it was like that between all of you." Austin spoke gesturing to us two. I got up and walked to him and bent over whispering in his ear.

"It wasn't like this at first." I spoke.

The door clicked open and Dr. Gibbons peeked his head in, I nodded and he walked in. He stood at the foot of the bed, and he nodded at Rya.

"Grace, has brain activity. I tried talk to her and she wouldn't respond, I would like to do a functional MRI and have you all come back and speak to her." He spoke and I gasped.

"She has brain activity, that means she can hear us, right?" Taylor asked and he shook his head.

"That simply means that something in her brain is working, she maybe can, that's why I would like to have her in an MRI when you speak to her, because I can see what part of her brain is working." He explained. I stood up and the two of them followed suit.

"Okay." I said simply, he nodded and opened the door. We followed him into an elevator at the far end of the hall. 

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