Chapter 68: Mateo

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I woke up with a jolt Nate was standing on my side of the bed holding a hand over my mouth.

"I think someone is in the house. I looked and everyone is in their beds, but there is someone downstairs." He whispered and I turned over turning on the lamp but there was sunlight coming through the window to my left. The whole room was white the whole house was bare, nothing but white or black furniture no paintings, nothing personal. I ran my hand over Grace's side.

"Angel, hey." I spoke as she opened her eyes. "Is there a reason why someone would be inside the house?" I asked and she shook her head getting up she shrugged off her jacket and shoes and just got into bed. She opened the door shaking her head and I saw Sike standing there with a gun. She was in a tank top and in her black jeans.

"Someone is here." She whispered and Grace nodded. I got up following her down the stairs Sike behind her with a gun.

We all got down the stairs and we heard a noise coming from the kitchen and Grace opened the door walking in and there was an elderly lady wiping down the counter.

"Nellie?" Grace whispered and the woman put down the towel and turned she looked shocked before she smiled walking to Grace hugging her. Nellie was Grace's nanny when she was younger, turned into a grandmother for her, since her actual grandmother couldn't be bothered. Grace slowly raised her hands hugging the woman back.

"Hey little one." The woman spoke pulled back and I saw Sike put her gun in her jeans in a flash.

"What are you doing here?" Grace asked and the woman sighed she walked over to a stool sitting down before looking at Grace. She was wearing a flowery red blouse and a blue skirt, with pearls, her greyish hair in a clip on her head she looks healthy.

"You were like one of my own." She whispered and Grace sighed, walking over to her. Sike walked out and I walked around with Nate to the other side of the counter. "I woke up one day and you were gone, the whole house cleaned out, I come here once a month and clean, dust." She spoke and Grace looked at her.

"Nel, I was in a bad relationship and saw an out I am so sorry." Grace said and Nellie stood up holding her hands.

"I know baby. I knew, you tried to hide it but you could never lie to me." She smiled and Grace chuckled a tear going down her face. "Now tell Ma why you are here." She sat back down in the chair, Grace sitting beside her after Nellie took her bag and threw it on the floor.

"Well, then we should start with this is Mateo, and this is Nate." She gestured to both of us and I smiled at Nellie as she smiled at us. "They are my husbands Ma." She said and Nellie's smile widened.

"I predicted this." She whispered and Grace laughed.

"Yes, Ma, you did." She laughed out.

"I always told her one man wasn't enough." She joked making me and Nate chuckle.

"Blake found me Ma." Grace spoke and Nellie turned to her concern flashed across her face. "Trent was supposed to tell me if he ever figured out my name and he didn't that's why we are here." She gestured around and Nellie nodded.

"I'm assuming I will not see Blake around?" Nellie asked.

"No ma'am." Nate answered and she turned to us nodding her head. She swatted at Nate's hand abruptly.

"You call me ma'am and I will whack you with a spoon." She said and Grace laughed.

"Nellie!" She gasped and Nate laughed.

"Oh honey." Nellie said getting up going to the pantry pulling out a box. "I found these, and I didn't know where to put them so I kept them safe for you." Nellie gave Grace the box. Grace put it in her lap opening it and we couldn't see what was in it but she smiled.

"My shoes." She gasped and took out these old shoes, that had paint graffiti style on them. They were black with flashes of neon green and blue.

"Never was really a colorful girl so, I kept them when I found them by your door." Nellie explained and Grace smiled at her.

"Thank you." Grace spoke and Nellie got up going to the fridge.

"I saw the baby crib on the porch and figured you would be coming so I bought groceries with the paycheck you have been slipping into my account and thinking I haven't noticed it." She opened the fridge and Grace laughed. Grace put the box on the floor and got up and it was nice just sitting here watching her get acquainted with an old friend.

"You didn't have to do this." Grace said and Nellie grabbed her shoulder and her attention.

"You never asked, I did it and I wanted to. So shut up and enjoy." She scolded and I smiled as Grace laughed. Taylor walked into the kitchen wiping her eyes. "Oh Taylor, you look so grown up now." Nellie spoke and Taylor's eyes widened.

"Oh my God Nellie!" Taylor screeched hugging her. "I would have come to see you but." Nellie cut her off with a finger over her mouth and Taylor smirked.

"I know how this town is you are excused but this one is a different story." Nellie turned to Grace who was frowning. "Not even a goodbye?" Nellie and I heard a sob slip through. Grace went to her hugging her and I saw tears in her eyes.

"I am so sorry I didn't know how." She cried. "How could I say goodbye to one of the actual grown adults that cared about me?" She asked and Nellie had tears going down her face as they turned to the side. "I thought you would say all the right things and I would stay and I couldn't, I couldn't and face Blake." She said Nellie nodded before smiling wiping her tears away.

"You know how you can make it up to me?" She asked and Grace shook her head wiping away her own tears.

"Show me that baby." Nellie remarked and Grace smiled. 

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