Chapter 67: Grace

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Bucky was about five years older than me he grew up to be a tech genius and when everybody knew what he could do he turned into a one stop shop that almost got him killed. It got his parents killed because of the Sirens and he has been here trying to take them down ever since, I found him after the explosion in their barn when I was coming to hang out with him like I usually did on Thursday nights. He turned down a job and it ended up with him having shrapnel in his stomach bleeding. I got my doctor that patched me up sometimes and bribed him to do the same for Bucky before he died.

"It was perfect enough when it was just a stupid nickname in high school now, he has a gang." I sighed and Sike got in beside me and I looked up and saw her smirking. "What?" I asked and she shook her head.

"You know have no idea how easy this can be do you?" I heard Nate and Mateo close their doors.

"What are you talking about?" I asked and her smile widened.

"You realize that most funhouse the courses can't be changed, only the walls be painted, and if this guy is as stupid as you think he is do you seriously think he demolished anything?" She asked and I shook my head.

"What are you getting at?" I asked her and she scoffed.

"If you and Taylor are as big on pranks as you said you are I will bet my whole pay that you can remember that house like the back of your hand." She explained and it clicked. Flashes of the funhouse played through my mind, the doors and the hidden entrances to the courses. "You say they are just playing dress up; well, you can sneak in and best them in their own hangout." She finished saying and I gaped. She laughed and shoved my shoulder lightly.

"Oh my God. I remember." I whispered.

"You have blocked this place out your whole life away from here, you are going to start remembering stuff, it may not be pleasant but this can help you." Sike spoke looking out the window before grabbing my thigh scaring me. "Drive." She spoke.

"What is it?" I asked and she pointed. There was a row of cars coming down the drive they couldn't see us because of the trees. I looked over at Taylor who was waving a hand at the back road behind the house and I nodded. I started the car, and I followed her, in the mud holes making our way out.

"Fuck." Mateo muttered and Luca started crying. I pulled out on an open road and glimpsed back seeing Mateo cradling him against his chest and my heart melted. I pointed at the glovebox and Sike opened it and I sighed seeing a baseball cap she handed it to me. It had Chevrolet written on it but I shrugged and I put it on.

"Should we wear something?" Nate asked.

"No, people are only looking for me you are outsiders." I spoke and I saw him nod in the rearview mirror. I stopped at a drive through and they all said burgers so we all grabbed burgers. "I am getting tired; I don't know if it's the whole brain thing but I am getting tired." I spoke and Sike yawned.

"It isn't just you Angel." Nate sighed.

We made it to my house and we all unloaded and I dropped onto my parent's bed and instantly gave way to the darkness Nate and Mateo beside me, Sike took my old room with Taylor and JJ stayed in the guest room with Luca in a crib I had shipped here. Although I am a little concerned since I found it in the house but oh well Jake probably brought it in because I did leave him a key. I'm pretty sure Nellie still had one but I'm not sure. 

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